Unfortunately these last few days have been a bit up and down. For one on a personal level there is so much on my heart and mind. I am sorting a few things out. I noticed that as I work my life out that my shift towards gratitude has shifted. I’ll get back to that later. Also Fall is around the corner and although I am super happy about it, its only a reminder that there is so much to do before the year ends.
Also on Friday it was the most craziest day ever. I got out the car not put together. My bag was open. I had 20 minutes to get to work for a 2 min walk and still…..
I get to Dunkin Donuts to get a breakfast sandwich and I can’t find my wallet. I finally pay for my item and I bumped into a lady like 3 times. I’m walking into the door trying to gather my thoughts….what is going on?
As if matters couldn’t get worse, I take a walk at lunch only to discover that one side of my skirt is falling revealing a lot more than I needed to share with the world! I had to take a step back and again gather my thoughts….
Check in On your Strong Friend
I have an amazing network of friends from all walks of life. Talking to one of them this week about how the weather didn’t help my bottom line and realizing that she too felt the same way. Let me interject gratitude, I do not have it as bad as those in the path of Hurricane Florence, I am grateful. In the midst of gratefulness I want to be transparent. I miss the mark daily but I am also actively checking myself daily. Sometimes I get inspired by my ability to balance and then on days where that balance seems not to measure up, my feelings sometimes takes a nose dive. This has been that week. I have been pushed and finding that I am coming off as irresponsible when in actuality I am in the midst of change from the inside out. Guilt of these changes has made me question myself. My girlfriend reminded me that one she is here and we are here together. I love knowing I have support and need to be more open in receiving the love in return. So word of advice, fill your cup and be open to check on a friend to see how their cup looks too! I am going to do better at that.
Feeling Overload
Daily I take a look at what is going on around me. I looked at my kids and noticed they needed me to listen a little more. I feel as if I am pretty good at anticipating other people’s needs. However with my own, I need a little work. Example, Thursday night I was getting agitated by a conversation with my husband. I felt like I wasn’t being heard. I decided to be quiet and ask myself a few questions. I asked what did I need at that moment. I decided that my issues of frustration is because of old feelings of what my husband had done that I wasn’t over. I simply wasn’t mad at him but mad at me for not dropping something from years ago. I went upstairs and decided how worth it was it at that moment and dropped it. I washed my face while praying and asked God to heal. I decided that carrying frustration was simply only on me and that it only hinders me. It wasn’t as if the issue was something that was life changing. I simply was mad and that madness needed checked. I can’t grow personally and not drop the charges but expect charges of frustration or anger to be dropped on my behalf. I have to give what I want to receive.

Being thankful has been this week’s recurring theme. All week I have challenged myself to see the good in bad situations. All week openly saying what I am grateful for around my family. Letting my kids openly know how awesome they are. Recognizing their effort! I have been in conversation replacing complaints with gratitude. Counting my blessings this week. Every situation that could have made me turn left, I declared gratitude and seen it turn. Every single one. Even with my wacky feelings this week, I have felt like I figured out what I needed and gave myself permission to seek it and receive it.
This weekend I will take a long bath, get some flowers, burn my favorite candle, get some rest, and have fun with my kids. These are the things that I will do to set my weekend right and continue my self-care practice. What do you need? What are the little things that can set your spirit back into alignment? What are the things that make you feel the most centered? What will quiet and heal your thoughts? Do these things and more and do it so often that it becomes a part of who you are!

Maybe your week was great. If so that’s super awesome. If your week was like mine with super highs and lows, know that you can get through it. You can replace gratitude in the places of frustration. You can call on a friend or family and be encouraged. It’s okay to be upset but don’t stay there. It’s important to find out what you need and most importantly remember that the answer or relief may come from you. You have to be honest about what you need. Be honest about what the real issues. Don’t place the saving grace into someone else’s hands. Sometimes just dealing and checking yourself is all you need to make yourself whole.
Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading!