
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

We have been learning some hard truths of being amazing women and building brands. Today we have Erin Stafford of Girls That Create as she gives us a breakdown on having a mentor vs. having a cheerleader. Having a mentor is so important.

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Strong Lessons Require Hard Truths

Sometimes we do our best to run from difficult situations. In those times we have to understand the lessons that are set for us! We need a mentor. I know we can do it by ourselves but that’s not the way life was set! Erin sets it straight on having a mentor vs. having a cheerleader

A mentor’s (job) is to push mentees to their full potential and help them uncover what is possible

We have been conditioned to see someone as a cheerleader who simply claps on the sideline. Mentors have to talk that talk. They have to say it like it needs to be said even if it hurts our feelings. Mentors

is a key to positive growth

Growth Means Being Raw and Honest

We love a good cookie cutter situation. We love when people speak into us the things we want to hear. With having a mentor it may come with raw truth especially if your end goal is positive growth. Do you want to grow or do you want to be stagnant? If it’s growth get a mentor who is willing to push when necessary.

Lessons from Her Youth

Erin is about growth. I’m not surprised her lesson from her youth is learning that going against the mainstream. Oh how those junior and high school days were some of the most difficult moments of life. The time when you’re more concerned with fitting in. She said something profound,

your interests and passions are “different” from what is expected so you waste a lot of time trying to fit into the shoes that were never your size to begin with.

If that goes over your head re-read it. That one lesson simply could be a whole blog. It’s an entire lesson in that one quote! Doing your own thing and learning to stay in your own lane or create one that fits you is key. You will never reach your potential carbon copying something or someone else!

Support Matters

Erin champions her parents for support as she found her way and learned to accept herself. She wants her own girls to know that when they cross that threshold that she’s there and sees them. Listen as mom I understand that wholeheartedly. You want your children to ease through those difficult times with an outpouring of love. If you’re a parent and you’re not engulfing your child with support, go back and make it right!

Erin Stafford on Building and Creating Girls that Create

Girls that Create believe that art creates culture. They support girls through the arts, and STEM so they can grow up being supported as they learn to create in various outlets. We know how important having girls learn the skills to get into the spaces that arts and humanities collide. I love that. I too have my girls doing the same in their own way so I wholeheartedly support this initiative!

Brand Building

Erin talks the language that I know well. People tell you as you enter a creative space people will all of a sudden have an opinion and advice. I know people mean well, however no matter what brand you build, it’s imperative that you come with strong skin. Erin like many of us suffer from imposter syndrome and balance. You have to learn to weed out what is for you to take in and what to leave on the table or internet.

If you don’t do it, someone else will

End of the day no one else is going to deliver your gift or offerings like you. You were meant to do what you’re doing. So if this is your wake up call-get up and make it happen!

Girls That Create Turns 2

Congrats to Girls that Create. 2 years down a a lifetime of impact to go! They are launching an online store. Listen, information is valuable and it should come with a price. Resources and time is spent building a brand. Girls that Create have made a Patreon account. Make sure if you’re able to support so that those who can’t will still have the support that they need!

Self-Care Super Power

Have you ever think that shutting your brain down is a self-care super power? It is. I struggle with this so kudos to Erin for being able to do this. I tend to go to bed as a creative with ideas pouring out of me. Here are some suggestions:

  • Admit things will ever ALL get done
  • Listen to your body
  • Go to a quiet room
  • Focus on breathing for 20-30 minutes

I love that list. We all need to tap into it!

Daily Motivation

Erin is motivated by her family, friends, and community. She is determined to leave the world better than how she found it!

You have to Stan for women who puts others’ needs ahead of their own. Also being able to shut the world out and have your own moment is key too. Erin taught us that we need a mentor who will help us through without sugar coating what we need. Erin Stafford on building Girls That Create as it inspires girls to use the arts to create the space for them in any field of their desire. Thank you!

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