It’s wife appreciation day! So shout out to all the wives! If you are married and love being a wife today is your day. Now before the husbands get up in arms, your day will come. But today is about the wives!

Don’t need a Special Day
If more people would be consistent in the love they gave each other than maybe that can be said. If you are a husband and you are mad at days like today, ask yourself a few questions. When was the last time you gave your wife flowers just because? When was the last time you took her out? Did you offer to cook a meal this week? How about rub her feet? Did you allow her some me time just to refuel? If you haven’t done one of more of those things this week, Houston we have a problem. Showering your loved one with attention when things are great is easy. Showing love in the little things when an argument occurs, when the bills are stressing, when life throws a curb ball, isn’t as easy! It takes looking at the friendship you and your wife made to push through.
Little Ways to Show Appreciation Today:
- Look your wife in her eyes and tell her you love her
- Give her a break today-no cooking, no cleaning
- Give her a gift card to her favorite place
- Flowers
- Complete a few items on the honey do list
- Run her a bath
- Let her watch her favorite shows
- Take her to get her favorite treat
- Write her a hand written note
- Hold her hand
- Take her on a date
- Offer a massage
- Play your “song” and dance in the living room
- Play a game
- Mani/Pedi at the salon

There are a million ways that you can show the number wife that you love the ways she has turned your house into a home, how she supports you when the chips are down, loves on your children, keeps herself cute, gives you time to be you, and supports your endeavors. Matter of fact, don’t do one thing, do a few! Smile hard, and let the love and energy flow. Like they say, “keep that same energy!” Keep it from the time you stood and made vows. The same energy you had when you honeymooned. The same energy as she was sick and you prayed for God to spare her life. The same energy as she supported you through hard times and showed how awesome of a friend and wife she was. The same energy when she dressed nice for you. Keep the same energy and let the love flow from one another. Take this day to show that love and then use the same energy to show the same love daily. Happy Wife Appreciation Day!