Are you into the White Elephant Gift Exchange? So keeping the holidays light is key. Fun and memories should be the priority and the gifts secondary. This gives you the opportunity if you have a large family or friend squad to gift one gift to one person versus attempting to spend over budget getting every adult a gift.

Why White Elephant Gift Exchange Works?
In our family, we have a lot of adults. Trying to get everyone something means that you end up missing some of the adults. In addition to missing a few folks, who has money to buy that many gifts? My dad has one brother and 4 sisters. Trying to get them all something as an example can be a lot. When I was growing up all of those aunts never missed a child. This means that all of the money they were spending getting kids a gift it’s a wonder they had money left over to do the adults. Since becoming an adult I can’t see that in this economy.

How does the White Elephant Gift Exchange Work?
The way to do so is to have each participant come with a wrapped gift. Place the gifts in a central location and draw numbers. Gifts can be fun, gag, kitchen wares, gift cards, etc. It’s all up to the gifter. Once the numbers are drawn then the gifts are opened and selected. People can “steal” a gift as well. Yes steal or exchange a gift. Thats where the fun comes in because you can compete for the gift you really like or need. This is a good thing to do when you have a large family and don’t want to have to purchase things for everyone. It’s a great time and everyone goes home with a gift.

Can this concept be done with Friends?
Yes if you have a large circle of friends that are physically getting together it’s fine to use the same rules for friends. I have also seen the same be done for work. I would caution on how much of a gag gift you do for work if that gag gift is inappropriate. Where an inappropriate gift works for your friends it may land you in the office of Human Resources for work. Whenever you can in both situations set a gift giving limit. The most ideal is between $15-25 dollars. Do not spend more than that unless you are having a luxury White Elephant Gift exchange. I have seen those and they are nice. The budgets for that could be depending on the circle of friends and family be well in the $500-1000 range.

I personally don’t purchase anything I wouldn’t want. The hope for me is that the reciprocity is equal to what I put out. Either way its a lot of fun and a way to include a circle of friends and family.

So have fun and be creative there’s no wrong or right way to make your own memories.