
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So this is the week where we pushed into the back to school shopping mode. We are starting the process of making sure they are fully ready to go back and have what they need.


We spent a half day going through uniforms. Our youngest is going to kindergarten so the uniforms we have saved from our oldest is being passed down. However we discovered that she’s equally tall as they were but not as big so we have to add a few pieces to her uniform needs. This is still great news because the initial investment we made is paying off. So off to the uniform store we went!


We decided to go to the park first thing in the morning to avoid the heat that has been going up! We had a great time. They played while I worked out! It was a lot of fun. As always I packed water, sunscreen and snacks! We then since I needed to get work done made the afternoon a reading session and ice cream!


We needed to go to my niece’s program at her daycare. It was a concert, the kids played and they had food and snacks. The one snack that I was able to indulge was the Whimsicle! Amazing doesn’t even describe it! It was sooooo good!

These are all fruit popsicles that are amazing. They also had a yogurt one too but for obvious reasons I didn’t have one!

Whatever you do click on the link and find out how you can get you some. These are amazing to have at a company party, personal party, or just because! They are that good!

So they were definitely tired out. It was an interesting day that day too! My husband’s car got busted out too-sheer madness! It was a very uneasy day. It was also the same day the gunman shot 6 police officers!


We decided to lay low and I did grocery shopping and we focused our attention on getting my husband’s car fixed!

Thankfully it was done by the mid day point but still! The kids had a full day play date to distract them as the adults handled the adult items of life!


I took the kids to the park to work out while they played! It was super hot today! So much to our surprise the Koana Ice truck showed up! I ain’t even gonna lie! As much as the kids have asked for ice-cream from various trucks this one being a snow cone truck was clutch! I didn’t even let the kids ask me twice! I had one too! That $12 was well spent!

Since we have been doing smaller trips during the week we have amped our weekend time even higher!

I blogged about our time at the Oregon Dairy on Saturday!

While the girls were having a great time the boys had a father-son day at the Franklin Institute at the Marvel Universe Exhibit!

Sunday was great too! I took my twin with me to see the Cirque Du Soleil Show!

Next week which is really the recap of this week the kids have some different adventures going on!

Total for this week was $12!! All activities outside of the weekend Franklin Institute was sponsored or free!!!!

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