
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Wednesday check in

Happy Wednesday and welcome to another midweek check in. I use this space to do a check in with ourselves to see where we are, what improvements need to be made, and much more. I hope that your week has been off to a great start. We are headed into a Memorial Day weekend.  believe that’s when the months fly by so fast.

High School Orientation-Wednesday Joy

When many parents are celebrating their children graduating high school I am in the preparation stage of sending my oldest to start her journey. I am nervous about what these next years will be for her. How important these times are for her in her emotional and educational development. Like many other parents have reassured me we will be fine and she will be too. I am proud of her and what she has been able to do. She is well known to be a help, takes initiative, and so much more. She is my mini me so watching her has been like an outer body experience. To all of the parents that are starting with me-we will hold each other up.

Wednesday check in

Wednesday Mental Health Check-In

This is a reminder to be careful of what you consume on social media. I try to make space to encourage in a lot of ways. This week challenged me. I was on TikTok where a mom was on live and her live in boyfriend was beating the 10 year old daughter badly. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. As a human let alone a mom I couldn’t bear to hear how hard he was hitting her. This man hit her so hard he was grunting as each swing of an apparent belt came down. The scream for her mother sent shockwaves in my soul.

This week I had to take several moments to increase my self care. I don’t want to judge parents in how they raise their kids but that was too triggering for me to hear. I pray that the child gets the help that they need. From my further research she and the dad have been arrested and all kids including the child that was being belt are safe and in the care of family services. Take a break. Watch what you consume. Even though that was a heavy trigger remember the little things build up in you too. Watching too much fighting and foolishness and then you aren’t aware when you too feel even more agitated.

Wednesday check in

Blogs you May Have Missed

Thank you once again for all of the support. I love what I do and I thank you for your continued support over these 8 years. It’s not even hard for me to continue writing in a world where people use blogger as a title but don’t even have a website. I take pride in being able to write new content often. Here is what you may have missed

Summer Tips for Parents of School Age and More

Sunday Scaries: Vacation and Summer on the Brain

Monday Motivation: Morning Mantra

Governor Shapiro and Mental Health

I have been still in awe of my relationship with the Governor of Pennsylvania. He is straightforward as well as he’s able to be so personable but about his business. Today I will be joining others on the talk about mental health in various communities. As always anytime I get a seat to the table I like to use that for helping others. What am I after? More access to mental health resources for all especially kids in schools. In Philadelphia and other surrounding areas many school if they have a guidance counselor is split between multiple schools.

Governor Shapiro

For all to have the ability to have insurance cover more mental health help. For struggling families to be able to afford it. So we shall see I am loving the budget that he has proposed. I hope it is passed so we can get help for all regardless of their income levels. Make sure you go back and watch my live with him last week or so. It does sound fuzzy in the beginning but gets better. I may need to go live more often so I am prepared on how to run them.

As always I will report back with a full recap tomorrow. Have a great rest of your week. If you are going away for the holidays I will have a fresh podcast from an amazing guest who is 73 years long and living her life. She was so inspiring I was in tears after we recorded. Have a great day and Happy Wednesday.

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