
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Wednesday and welcome back for another check in. This check-in we are going to talk about few lessons. By now all kid should be back in school. Mine have been out for a week and went back today. Praise the Lord. I am back in my working space today like I did before the pandemic. Back to my home office vibes and creating content. But how are we getting through this week?

Wellness Wednesday Check-In

This week we are focusing on getting back to us. This means taking care of ourselves a little better. As Summer comes down to a close we need to be focused. For instance taking vitamins, drinking water, meal planning and being intentional with our time. Simple things like planning ahead because we all know life is going to happen. Taking the time to find ways to make your life or day go smoother. For instance September is Better Breakfast month. Did you prepare breakfast the night before? How about plan your breakfast? Sleep is essential too. This means we need to take out the distractions. When my kids go to bed I am hitting my workout bike and continue my bedtime routine.


Little things that can help you make the best use of your time. For instance have you noticed how much idle time you spend watching television? As a Mom there’s nothing wrong with it. That could be your only me time during the day. But set a timer and then move towards getting that much needed sleep.

Behind the Scenes of Made in America

Let me say if you haven’t gotten caught up in the article, it’s a must read. This was beyond the fun of Made in America. This was about GM getting to know me, working together and making me as a Creator feel comfortable. It’s no secret that I have anxiety. In new environments it can increase. The days leading up to this amazing partnership I had to keep telling myself all would be well. Why did I think it wouldn’t be? When I went to the 4th of July concert, we were met with gunshots and mayhem at the end. I didn’t want the same to happen.

GM went above and beyond to ensure my safety. I felt like I barely even touched the ground the way we were whisked in and out of Made in America’s venue. Not one time was I made to feel unsafe. They provided a way for me to see all I wanted to see without having to be in the crowds unless I wanted to. They wined and dined me and my guest without as much of us having to lift a finger. So when I say partnerships this is what I want more of. Two way exchange. The crazy part of all it is that most partnerships-the good ones work like this. So if you are starting out know that this is the industry standard.

Philly Influencer Drama

I gave a quick synopsis on my Facebook post. Let me be clear the advice I gave isn’t to demean anyone. It’s the truth on how things work. Anyone in the PR scene can run their campaigns and invitations the way they want. If you the Blogger/Influencer accepts it than so be it. However I do believe that PR and Influencer should know what is the industry standard. I think that the market it Philadelphia is light years behind it. Now this is coming from someone who again works outside of Philadelphia markets. Large part of that is I work with organizations that train us on what to accept and what not to accept. It is up to me to do with that what I please. I am talking trainings on negotiations and contracts and more.

Budget Talks and Bartering

PR don’t always get a large enough budgets to do more. Now if they have it, then they need to act accordingly as well. The advice I gave isn’t really about any PR. I need Bloggers and Influencers to learn to run their business like a business. When you run your business like a business you remain in control of your real estate and that is your socials and sites. Bartering is fine. This means something in exchange between two parties.


If a meal or experience is okay with you that is fine. Be choosy. Don’t accept them all if in your heart you don’t want to. Know what you want and accept what you will at your discretion. I think that there is room to grow on both sides. However the article and the buzz that has taken place is in my opinion is taking away from the intended purpose and that is to highlight the Creators.

Wednesday Joy

I am excited to see what a full day of the kids being in school will look like. I will report back on Friday. To finally get back to creating during the day is my joy. As a Mom and Creative I often create during the night and edit in the day while attending meetings. For all the times you saw me at an event, often times I come back home and create. This was running me until 2-3am each early morning. I will now have most of my nights back. This is why I don’t like when people say that Content Creation is not a real job. So back to a regular schedule feels so good to me. I look forward to carving out a new schedule.

Schedule Enhancers for you to Use

  • Define a wake up and sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible
  • The night before write a list of the must do and place it at the top
  • Know that everything  won’t get done
  • Be clear on taking at least 2 breaks even if its 15 minutes: stretch, take a walk, etc.
  • Hydrate and eat -thus making food ahead of time is helpful
  • Set an intention to your day
  • Fill your day with podcasts, music or whatever gets you moving and grooving

Have a great week this week. Many of us have had a short week due to Labor Day holiday. You know your patience may be thin so be aware of that as you proceed. Take care of your mental health always. I will check in with you Friday. Happy Wednesday. Tomorrow’s blog post is all about stress and ways to combat that.


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