
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

positive thinking

Positive Thinking Day is a day to bring awareness for letting go negative self talk. We spend so many hours in one day over consumed with negative thoughts that don’t serve our mental awareness. More and more people are taking their mental health seriously. As people find ways to be positive it also highlights areas they need to improve in.

Not Everyday is a Good Day

Let’s acknowledge that often times when people hear about positive thinking that they assume that its about making days look like the most flowery and overly happy. It’s okay to have a bad day and remain positive that you can change your outcome too. Not everyday is a good day. Bad days happen to each and everyone of us. With that in mind remember that even bad days are just 24 hours-things do and will turn.

Why Do We Need a Positive Attitude?

Sometimes when bad days and bad events the only thing left is a positive mentality. There are two things that we have control and that is your attitude and your efforts. These two things combined may not change what happens but it can keep you mentally afloat. Changing your attitude towards what happens sometimes is about self preservation and mental agility to not quit.

Mental Health Check-In

We need to daily mental health check in. Waiting until you’re overwhelmed and consumed isn’t the answer. How do you do a check-in? Be honest with yourself and not just with the image you want others to see. How are YOU really feeling? If what you’re feeling isn’t in a positive space, remember it’s okay to not be okay. What are ways that you take care of yourself in times when you’re not feeling your best? Gravitate to the good things that help you feel better. Anything that isn’t self medicating like alcohol or drugs-things that make you feel like the best human you can be.

Self-Care is Daily Care

How often have you heard people talk about Sunday Self-Care? Often! We need to take the gentleness of giving yourself permission to simply enjoy life and who you are into daily care. Something as small as taking a time out to listen to music or a podcast, is all it takes to boost your day. Committing to taking a walk to enjoy the elements, remain active, and take that time to adjust your mood is what self-care is all about. Self-care is giving yourself permission to enjoy the life you are making even when life isn’t panning out to be what you thought it would be.

Realizing How Damaging a Negative Outlook Can Be

You don’t realize how damaging negative thoughts can be until you’re on the other side. It’s one thing to be aware of bad things happening and also speaking negatively about things daily. If you find the negativity isn’t something you’re able to easily shake consider getting help. There is nothing wrong with being honest about what you need and doing the work to be better. It’s okay to not know how to change. This is when getting the right people in your life helps. Sometimes it’s about considering counseling and that it may be necessary for you to enlist your tribe around you as well.

As we focus on ways to have a more positive outlook on life, it doesn’t mean you have to have a false happy stance all of the time. Bad things happen to everyone at any given time. You can still be a positive person and acknowledge a bad moment. Remember bad moments do NOT define who you are or your purpose. People quit their purpose and dreams when bad moments present themselves. You got this! Remind yourself who you are daily.

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