
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Weekend to you and yours. From the running around and doing chores, working, and more life hits hard and fast. So many times during the weekend we focus on how we can prepare for it instead of enjoying it. With that in mind today’s blog is to get you back in a reset type of mind. So how do you slow down when life is so busy that you feel you barely have space to think?

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Resetting for Yourself

I find it strange when if you are in a relationship that we try to run our partner’s lives. One thing my mom taught me when I first got engaged that you have to be able to do things on your own. We individually have our own lives to live. So with that being said, this reset is for you. Take care of you as you take care of the home, work, family, and more. So what can you do to reset? I have reduced my coffee drinking to the weekends only. This has been going strong for a few months. So one way I reset for the weekend is enjoying my coffee. Now I am a basketball mom and so that means that oftentimes our Saturdays are full of games and more. However I focus on getting up to enjoy that coffee. I elect to not place it in a to go cup. It’s a sit down and really enjoy my coffee in a cup I switch out weekly.

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While doing the running around I slip in one store that I really need to go to. If I can go alone I take the time to do so. Here are other Saturday morning ways to reset before you start your day:

  • Sleeping in
  • Starting with a journal prompt
  • Listen to a podcast-Let me add Conversations with Toi to the list for you
  • Make a to do list, and add a gratitude statement at the top
  • Listen to your favorite album/song
  • Do a good stretch-this stops that running out of bed and just being on the go
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As you start your day

For the day what does your weekend look like? Do you have the ability to break up your days? I tend to try to do it all in one day thus giving my Sunday more of a relaxed tone. This is helpful for my personal mental health. Ask yourself how you can monitor your chore and to do list. Busy lives require being intentional with your timing. So if you know that you are going to have a weekend that is more jam packed. I will get some help. There was a time when I felt I had to do it all. Now I get the kids to help where they can. Let the husband help where he can too. There are many who are single parents or single so no help is in sight. So this is when organizing in a better way will help you in the long run.

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What are your Likes?

I am the flower getter, coffee shop girlie, and comfort type woman. So when it comes to finding gadgets and more to help me get to a better zen I will take it. My husband is the movie buff so he and the kids spend their time watching movies and more. They connect on their own levels and I step right out of the way. I also am the bookworm. So whether it’s listening to Audible or having the pages go through my hands I gravitate towards it.

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Weekend Turn Ups

The weekend reset can be about a little turn up. Things like brunches, time with friends, travel, concert going can make the weekend just as relaxing and full of a reset. So don’t think that you have to be on some quiet mode to reset. Resetting can be full of fun. Here are some other turn up suggestions for your weekend:

  • Hanging out with your friends
  • Taking a day trip to a nearby city
  • Visiting family (if the relationship is good)
  • For the Clubbers-dance
  • Go to a water park
  • Game night with friends
  • Visit a brewery or winery

Either way you have options. Tap into the fun. Do a little self care, rest, have fun, enjoy the quiet, make some noise-the possibilities are endless! Happy weekend!

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures


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