
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Life can be hard and finding a way to avoid a shutdown is essential for your wellness. Guess who’s back to her first love? Me of course with blogging. I have been taking a break to make sure that I never force a blogpost. With that being said my inspiration has returned while I also manage all of these other social media apps. So how are we avoiding a personal shutdown from an emotional and mental perspective.

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What is a mental shut down?

Some call it a mental breakdown. It usually occurs when you are overwhelmed and lack the sense of hope. Once hope is drained it makes it easier for you to not have mental clarity. So, when situations pile upon that is when a mental shut down or breakdown can occur. You ever hear the phrase about someone working on your last nerve? It’s the same for mental health. You are at your wit’s  end, and you can’t “take it anymore.”

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How you demonstrate your breakdown will come off differently. So here is how you need to assess things before we get to a breakdown or shut down.

Don’t wait for things to get better

I know that being optimistic is helpful but being honest is key. This means that instead of pushing things to the back in hopes that it will get better we take proactive changes now. Stress is the biggest way a shutdown can happen. Learning to manage stress isn’t the same as learning how to eliminate issues. You may not be able to eliminate life from happening, but you can work on and through how you manage it. What stress techniques do you use? Things like meditation, journaling, self-care and more are useful tools.

The goal is to learn how to manage it or make it become less effective to cause you serious harm.

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What you don’t work through could cause you harm

You ever see people who don’t open their mail? It’s almost like the thought of if it is unopened it doesn’t apply. Some people also don’t open it as a sign that they already know they can’t pay it so why bother. We as a people treat mental health the same. If you don’t speak up about it therefore it doesn’t exist. However,what you don’t confront could come back to get you. Ignoring your mental health isn’t going to make it go away. So be vigilant. You don’t have to have all the answers, but you do need to start the process.

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Let me also say something to the faith-based community. If you don’t name what you have like depression or anxiety that won’t mean you are cleared from it. In the faith-based  community you don’t “speak those things” onto you. There is power in the tongue. However, if it is true that you are dealing with anxiety or depression you could easily say I am struggling with depression,but I am on my way to a breakthrough. Not saying anything and suffering in silence is a huge reason some faith-basedcommunity members exasperate their healing. 

The tool of choice for mental wellness 

Please know there are many tools like meditation and more that you can use. The goal is to learn what tools you need in a moment of stress. For instance, maybe you are emotionally drained and physically drained. You may need the self-care of sleep. This may not solve your issues, but it could give you strength to dive into your emotional state. There is also the tool of boundaries. A boss that is overstepping a boundary and being unprofessional could be a source of stress.

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Here are some tools to use:

  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques**: Incorporate deep breathing exercises, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation into your daily routine to manage stress effectively.
  • Stay physically active: Regular exercise, even a short walk, can significantly improve mood and reduce stress.
  • Establish a routine: Create a balanced schedule that includes time for work, rest, hobbies, and self-care.
  • Connect with supportive people: Reach out to friends, family, or a trusted community for emotional support and understanding.
  • Set healthy boundaries: Learn to say “no” and prioritize your mental health by managing responsibilities and commitments.
    Journal your thoughts: Writing down feelings can help process emotions and gain clarity.
  • Limit exposure to stressors: Reduce time spent on news or social media if they contribute to feelings of overwhelm.
    Seek professional help: Don’t hesitate to talk to a therapist or counselor if you’re feeling emotionally stretched.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and hydration: Proper nutrition and staying hydrated can have a big impact on your energy and mental clarity.
  • Engage in activities you love: Dedicate time to hobbies or creative outlets that bring you joy and relaxation.

Taking small, intentional steps toward self-care can make a big difference. Don’t forget to listen to the podcast, Conversations with Toi.

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