Today’s trend for the holidays are girlfriends only holiday parties. In the days when women seem to claw at each other I have to say I def give my seal of approval. Giving the gift of time to your friends is invaluable. Here are some ways you can plan and execute how to spend some quality time with your favorite gal pals.
Girlfriend/Pals Unite
If you read my blogs I definitely want you to take a sense of women empowerment as well as a no-nonsense guide to life. However a part of being women is to have nurturing friendships that feed your soul. I’m not talking about frenemies but true to life girlfriends who sit with you in hard times, feed you if you hungry, cut tires for and with you (figuratively maybe) and are just there for every one of life’s challenges. Girlfriend parties are a place where you invite those supportive women together and have good food and fellowship and make it a girls event only.
How to plan the Best Girlfriends Party
During the holidays there will be plenty of couple parties and I love the idea of a ladies only event where marital status and kids don’t matter. A place to laugh and share that secret language that only you and your girlfriends understand. It could also be a place where if you and your girlfriends reconnect. These parties can be as big and as small as you would like. Maybe make it a sleepover where you don’t even have to spend the night but just some cute pj’s, lingerie, and all of the naughty food you will complain about eating the next day.

Wine and Dine Night In
Another idea is to have a wine and dine where you get and everyone brings their best comfort food and a bottle of wine and sit at a friend’s home and kick back and talk. Another idea is to maybe incorporate beauty and fashion and sip and chat. There are many people who are stylists or makeup artist that have skills and do home drop-ins that could be invited and paid to supply an evening of flare and fun.

Girlfriends Overnight Trip/Staycation
If you are like me and your girlfriends are out-of-town then you can plan ahead and maybe find a place that’s mutual for gathering and with some tools like Groupon etc you could make it a weekend or a wonderful overnight/staycation trip to make memories and connect.

Reconnect and build lasting relationships. If you say we’ll I don’t have any friends well….then it’s time to make yourself friendly and build and then you too can experience the joys of real sisterhoods. Happy holidays and ladies enjoy each other.