Traveling is always a good idea. There are many ways to make it affordable. The thing about travel and seeing the world is that you get yourself in the position to change your scenery. Keep in mind with travel is that if you enjoy it-this too can be a form of self-care. However, let’s make sure we keep those vacation vibes flowing so we don’t get into the “I need a vacation” rut.

Affordable Travel
Travel is expensive. From transportation, excursions, food, emergency funds and more you must be prepared for it all. Here’s a few things that I like to do when it comes to make traveling a little more pliable. The first thing is to set a travel budget. To do a travel budget this means that you need to consider where and when you want to travel. Thanks to DG Speaks for some amazing tips. Open your eyes to how traveling can be. Don’t just think about catching flights, but things like train rides, and road trips should be on your horizon.

For instance, when I traveled to Arizona on a solo trip, I knew there was no way to save money on hotels by splitting the cost. So, I looked ahead, and price checked during what times of the year would give me the cheapest tickets. Instead of Summer travel I elected to go in April. I stayed at a hotel that was on a college campus. This was helpful. I saved money because many of the students are learning about how to run their own establishments. The hotel was one of the safest that I have ever been to. You had to show id every time you stepped on the property.
Apps to help Cut the Costs
There are a lot of apps that are helping to make it easier. Now I am not a financial advisor but keep in mind the fees that are associated. However, apps like Affirm, and other programs that allow you to break up the payments of air and hotel are an effective way if you really need it to break the payments up. Please make sure to the payments on time to prevent issues in the future. The apps are opening ways for many to travel. If you can do it on your own, I highly suggest it.

Research for Travel
Remember in high traffic time travel goes up almost 30% so consider traveling to a country or location at an off season. Any travel during the week versus the weekend are ways to save money too. After you have researched times, prices for accommodations, research restaurants and decided which ones you want to splurge on or cooking is going to help cut the costs, pre-vacation preparation should be included too. You know you want to get hair, nails, facials, and more before you go add that into your total costs. I was able to travel many places by research and then putting the money aside to cover my expenses.
- Prepay excursions or go all in exclusive
- Groupon experiences
- Use Living Social
- Book hotels using points
- Shop local grocery stores while on vacation
Traveling with Others
It’s a fantastic way to take trips out of the group chat to make it a reality. Here are a few things to consider. You must designate someone who will keep things clear. Traveling with others always present issues when communication isn’t clear. Designate someone to take care of payments for things. To stop issues, make a folder and all receipts should be kept I that folder and everyone on that trip needs to have access. There should be set rules on extra guests and that includes significant others. Noting is more irritating like girls’ trips and a spouse shows up unexpected.

What are the other checks and balances to consider? Budget is the number one. I like to do things in a group but also have things I do alone too. If there is someone in the group who never has their money right, these are things that need to be discussed. No one should simply just go, and hope friends will take care of the bills. Going with friends can help cut the costs. Do not think that you must share rooms on a group trip. I personally don’t like some of my friends sleeping or waking up practices. So, when I travel, having my own room is necessary and I pay for that expense myself.
Solo Trips
Although I have a family I enjoy traveling alone. I know we want companionship on trips but this year we aren’t limiting ourselves to having people join us. There are a few safety issues you need to be aware of. For instance, stay off social media. Do not check in to where you are going or currently are. This is to help protect you. When you get back you can let folks know of the time you had. Have one person at home have your flight, hotel, and other information like let them follow you on ride share apps. Remember that you are alone to enjoy and not taken advantage of.

Safety First while Traveling
When you book a hotel as a solo traveler always elect two adults for the room. I know you think its saving you money but often it’s not. Ask for two keys letting check in clerks that someone is joining. Here are my two go tos when it comes to hotel and room safety this includes Airbnb’s. This door and lock are what I have in my luggage when I travel.

So Spring is on its way. It’s time to pack your bags and see the world. Whether you travel with family, friends, or a solo trip let’s travel smart. You can save money and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Also consider instead of a flight to a destination traveling to another state or city that you can travel by car. You can have fun anywhere. Happy travels ladies!!