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The Rock School for Dance

Dance is a beautiful form of expression. From the technical components, talent, to the way it boosts a student’s confidence, The Rock School for Dance Education knows a thing or two about the art of dance. Over 60 years of experience they have more than their share of professional and principled dancers go on to great careers all over the world. In addition to their programs that appeal to dancers of all levels, they are about community too. I took my youngest daughter to do a class and here is what I discovered along the tour, class, and more. A special thank you to Melissa Stafford, Chief Artistic Officer, Ballet Division for an amazing class.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Dance is a way of life at Rock School for Dance Education

They are well known for their yearly performance of The Nutcracker at the Miller Theatre. The journey to this and all other performances start with the basics. Dance builds upon one another with skill. Coming from a dance mother myself I know all too well about building your skills. You do this by learning the basics as they are the bridge to advancement. In the class that my youngest took, they went over the basics in a more fast paced but fun way. They made sure to touch on the importance of the art of ballet. Ballet in itself is about technical learning, acting, storytelling, and grace. As I watched my youngest learn her way through the basics it was evident that Rock School for Dance is about their dancers leveling up. Although it was her first class they didn’t hesitate to push her gently out of her comfort zone.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Did you Know of their Residence Program?

I was blown away to learn that there are students who are learning all year round. They reside in the dorms some of them coming from all over the world. Although dance is life, they are clear to make sure the importance of education. Students are chaperoned 24 hours a day. In addition, they live a campus style life while in pursuit of their learning and professional skills. These students are investing in their future and it in the end as long as they do the work, it will pay off. Allowing students to go forth in their dance professional life as well as their academia is a combination that goes hand and hand.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

They support the students by having an amazing academic department, facilities for them to be nurtured while also providing meals 3 times a day. Dance takes a lot of you so having the right fuel matters nutritionally.

Complete Dance School and Professional Development

One of the things that stood out to me was that everything that a professional dance studio would need is all available in house. From having professional pianist in their class during practices, to Principal Teachers, Master Teachers, Costume Designers, and more their staff is diverse and are some of the bests of the bests. Everyone that you encounter is there for the development of the student first which makes their productions even more special. The biggest thing that stood out to me is the encouragement of the students to wear tights that are close to their skin tone. If you know that in the Early 2oth century pink tights were the standards.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toitimeblog

As times have changed, we know that dance is for all. Allowing students to wear tights that match the color of their skin tones not only sends a clear message of acceptance to the student but to the world. They also do not discriminate against students. If you don’t know, this means that students who have sensory issues, IEPs, and more can participate too. When you talk about professional development it should also include who you are as a person too.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toitimeblog

First Impressions Matter

Again, as always, they went out of their way to make everyone comfortable. Not even just when I got there but before I came. From the calls to ensuring you knew what to wear and more that extra touch matters. Once there, they took my youngest in as if she has been there for a long time. During the Open House, parents and students get to learn about Rock School for Dance. In addition, that one on one time is crucial. I know from being a kid in dance that teachers can spot out strengths in a student by watching them in action.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

My daughter was nervous. The entire journey to the class she kept asking me to reassure her since she had no prior experience. Like any parent I encouraged her to do her best and enjoy the experience. It was eye-opening seeing her in a different element. Melissa was hands on, encouraging, and helpful. It was really about mutual love for dance and respect shown from teacher to student and vice versa.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Thank you to The Rock School for Dance

The facility was clean, staff welcoming, the atmosphere felt prestigious but inviting. This is important. The investment it takes to do ballet is one that takes commitment from the entire family. When the student signs up, the family signs up. From rehearsals, practices, development, and more Rock School for Dance is a great option. If you are looking for more information on classes, The Nutcracker, donations, or the programs make sure that you visit their website for more. Thank you to the entire staff for our time this week. You set the bar high in the world of ballet.

The Rock School for Dance
Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

The Rock School for Dance is located at 1101 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 and 1510 Paoli Pike West Chester, PA 19380. You can follow them on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

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