
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday. Today’s motivation is about learning what to let go. Sometimes holding on too tight to things that no longer serve you is sending you on a path to destruction. As you let go the pain of it all will feel as if you are in the wrong space. The uncomfortableness of letting go, can feel difficult but I promise that there are steps to move through that pain and turn it into your greatest space. 

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What is your Pain space?

This is about assessing where you are. There are people going through the same things that you are, but it hits differently. So, when you are attempting to make others understand your pain you aren’t dealing with. There are things that you need to do to focus on your personal healing without being irresponsible. You may be a wife or a mom, dad, or a husband but being selfish doesn’t mean that you can’t shift but take care of your titles. Take care of your titles but take stock on what you need during this phase. 

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Why is letting go so hard?

Often, it’s not the people or the things. It’s the perception of what those things mean to you and the outside world that make it the most difficult. Think about a couple that is contemplating divorce. They are considering themselves, their families, as well as what everyone who thought they were perfect would think. I watched the newest reality television show, Tia Mowry: My next act. Y’all, know it takes a lot for me to watch these types of show. Without her going into the specifics she talked about how she had been with her ex-husband for over 20 years. In that time, he was all she knew. To everyone else it looked happy, but it wasn’t.

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As she is progressing through this time, she is learning to let go of this thought that to be family it must be from a 2-parent home and more. The perception could have kept her isolated in the marriage for longer than it should. So, ask yourself you may not be going through the same thing but the principal matters. What are you holding on that isn’t matching perception but costing you pain?

How can you begin your letting go Process?

Once you assess where you are and decide that you want to move past perception it’s going to take a lot of mind shifts to get you to the place you need to be. For instance, I would suggest doing a lot of self-talk. This means writing down daily affirmations to help you along. Leaving affirmations in the place that you have the biggest struggle. On your desk at your job, mirror, by your bed, etc. This way every where you turn you are adjusting your personal mindsets.

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Then get active. Yes, it could mean physically but it really means in working your plan. What do you need to actively do to make the things around you move in the right direction. Write the plan down. Decide on the tools you need and what tools you lack. What are the tools you can outsource and get help. Make a team of support around you. Sometimes the team has been in place, but you were too scared of what those members would think to utilize them.

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Also give yourself grace and give yourself kudos as you move forward!

Lean into yourself

I know it may be difficult as you let go. It was never supposed to be easy. However, you got this. Lean into the part of you that was the most confident. As you fight to get back to the level of that place trust me it will come. Move forward. Don’t look back. You can do anything your mind shifts you too. Make it happen today. Happy Monday!

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