
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Sunday and let’s talk about what it will take to make your week a blessing. Sundays are really for the big Scaries. It’s when we realize how much our weekend has come to an end and the focus for work and schedules increase. How you start the week out will help your productivity. Here are my tips for a great week.

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Needs vs Wants

There are many times where I allow my wants to overpower my needs. For instance I need to make sure I meal prep to make sure that my family has what they need to eat for the week. It helps cut down a lot of cooking during the week especially in this heat. Also I don’t have to worry about rushing with our busy schedules. However telling myself I need to go to the coffee shop this week when I’m saving money is a want.

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Know what you need vs what you want. Knowing the difference will aid you in getting your work life balance right.

Working Smarter not Harder

This past weekend I spent time at the nail and hair salon. In my mind I would be at the hair salon specifically for a few hours and get home to create content and more. Well for some reason I ended being at the salon for almost 4/4.5 hours. Crazy part was I didn’t even get a different hair style. So at first when I noticed I was simply sitting with the treatment on my head I got irritated.

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I thought about all of this content I needed to do. So instead of complaining internally I got my phone out and wrote a content strategy for the week. That helped me to start prepping it and creating with Canva and more. By the time I left I had almost 90% of my work done. Going home made me feel accomplished. So now for the week I have already pre-set a lot of my content for the week.

Nutrition Matters-Productivity with Food

It is hot outside so that mean that I need more hydration. Today is National hydration day. What a perfect thing during this heat wave. Things like increasing water is great but also making sure you try foods that help with hydration like cantaloupe, strawberries, and watermelon for examples. So this week I made sure that I have plenty of lemons and more to add to my water, sparkling water options and more.

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If you’re always too busy to eat how are you packing for your day?! Packing nutritionally dense food to help you to be better at your daily intake matters. If you work outside of the home did you pack lunch or breakfast options?! There are so many containers you can have to help keep food hot or cold to not have what you need in a given day!

Check your Supplies and Clean Spaces

Last Friday or this past Friday I cleaned out my space. This helped me to pull up to my desk ready to work. If you’re working in clutter it actually will slow down productivity. Clean out your space. Remove things that no longer serve you or is outdated. It is not okay tj have to spend more time cleaning when you need to be actively working. Clear out your purses, bags including gym bags etc. Every bag you have should be nice and clear and organized.

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Also check to make sure you have all that you need in your bags. If you are a gadget organizer for example your purse check to see what you need more of when it comes to items. In one of my bags I didn’t have the basics like business cards, tissues, hand sanitizer and many other items. So I restocked! Content creators please clean your spaces that you are showcasing online. If you’re cooking, clean your cooking space. It’s one thing to have the food you are cooking make spills but if the space you’re cooking on hasn’t been clean since Jesus was a baby-do better.

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Write out your Plans

Nothing can get done if you don’t have a plan for it. With the plan it’s equally important to be sure that you are clear on your objectives. Writing things out in a checklist style will help you stay productive. I just ordered a new daily life planner. This will help to make sure I know what to do and how to get it done.

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So we are aware of our needs and wants. We are staying hydrated and eating well. In addition we cleaned our spaces, desk, bags and more. Lastly we have a well written plan of attack. All of these things are some of the basics to make sure that we are being as productive as possible. Have a great week!

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