
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Sunday to you all. I hope that today is a great one for you. We haven’t done a Sunday Scaries in a while and I want to kick it off to the parents that have children on summer break. In addition, vacation months are gearing up in full bloom. How we manage our time is essential. So, what are your Sunday must haves as we start the day?

Sunday Must Haves

For me today I will be attending a media event. However, I used my Saturday to clean and prepare for the week. My must haves include eating a balanced meal. I must have something on my belly for the winery today. In addition, drinking a coffee that I make is helpful. On Sundays I like to go all out with my coffee. From using my Keurig and Frothier to adding a little adult addition to it too. If I weren’t attending a media event, I would have used this day for things like relaxing and staying in my pajamas for as long as possible. My weeks are hectic so any time I can add a little slow down I will do so. Some people like to do the following for their Sunday must haves:

• Fun Day-meet ups with family or friends

• Church or place of worship

• Cleaning and doing laundry aka weekly prep

• Meal prepping

• Getting outside and moving their body

• Sleeping in

• Brunch 

Short Week Ahead? Sunday Planning

If this is a short week for you as we go into Memorial Day weekend keep a few things in mind. One, the week is going to attempt to get on your nerves. Short weeks bring bigger fuses. Deadlines become more waited. People get more agitated with one another. Take it in strides. Consider if you do not normally make a list to make one. I find that writing it down can help your focus on so many levels. Work smarter. Start clearing out your office of winter items you do not need. Decorate your space to bring in Spring and Summer vibes. Be vigilant on the proper use of your time.

Summer Vacation on the Brain

If you are like me, you are a planner. I have the main components of vacations, staycations, and a few brand trips planned out. The issue that I am experiencing now is that there must be movement and adjusting. For me adjusting is one of the biggest things that I struggle with. However, in the grand scheme of things if fun is had that is all that matters. There are plenty of people who are struggling with summer plans. It’s okay. My suggestion in lieu of big summer plans are to make smaller destinations and experiences.

For instance, I haven’t booked it yet, but glamping is on my list of to dos. There have been a few friends who have expressed interest. I am not a waiter so once I get the plans in motion, I will just book. Learning that although I love all my friends, but we do not travel the same. It’s okay to not always conform to those around me when I don’t have to and thus, I love time to myself.

Calling the Parents

Parents I hope you are doing well. Summer is here and you may be scrambling with ideas of what to do. If you missed yesterday’s blog about planning, make sure you read it. In addition, take it a little easier on yourself. Here are my suggestions for parents as you plan for your kids:

• Make lighter meals 

• With meal prepping, we use our grill and cook up enough for the week

• Allow the evenings or family time to include movement and a wind down time

• Make a group of it-strength in numbers from meet ups to playdates

I want us to make sure that each of us is taking care of ourselves. Those with kids that are school aged know how much of a tussle it is to provide care for the kids on all levels. I pray that you have all that you need to be super successful this summer. Give yourself at least 2 weeks of time of down time before you bring your children back into an academic flow. My kids know that they have plenty of reading and work to complete but fun is obviously a focus.

Well, that is all for this Sunday Scaries. Take it as easy as you can today. Make sure that if you are prepping for the week that you are intentional. Find what works for you. Enjoy your Sunday Funday. If you are in or near the Philadelphia area and want to join me at the Pennswoods Winery, make sure you get your tickets. It’s going to be a hot one so make sure you have your sunblock and hat/fascinator ready.  Happy Sunday!

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