
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

What does your Sunday look like? For me it is looking relaxed. However for most of our Sundays it’s usually running around playing Uber parent to the kids and their many things to do, cleaning the house, and restocking groceries and supplies. What if I could encourage you to take a small step back?

Sunday Week Start

How do you reset your week? For me I start my week either with a run or at the gym. In addition I check to make sure all appointments for the upcoming week are set. What I mean by that is I use my planner and that is my go to. So I put appointments in my phone as an alert. I’m still old school with writing things down. I’ve had too many times when the appointments aren’t identical so I take the time to do just that.

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In addition to appointments I also like to make sure all meals are planned. Since we are close back to school I’ll be back on my crock pot and batch cooking or meal preparation. If you haven’t done this make it happen. It’s a game changer. Kids need to eat at descent times.

Journal Entries for the Week

I have been prepping my journal entries. They are based on what took place the week before. End of summer blues are setting in for me. This is the first time this has happened. I’ll be bringing this up to my therapist on Tuesday. I’m afraid it’s like a pre seasonal depression. It feels the same. There are a few things happening too good and bad. When I say bad I mean not good but not awful.

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Whatever it is my journal prompts for the week always start with the following prompt: what did I do last week that didn’t work? A few other prompts look like:

  • What ways can you serve your mental health physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
  • How are you prepared to allow others to help serve you?
  • In what ways are you learning to take care of you?

These questions are important to help you look within!

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Sunday Planned Movement

Did you start your week with movement? If not what is your plan? Don’t just say you’re gonna workout plan them. If you need to schedule classes do that. I set my calendar with my workout days and I stick to them. This week be intentional with your time. Set yourself up for success. No more talking about you will do but make an action plan!!

No Sunday Scaries Today

So set your day with great expectations. I’m going to be at the spa and meeting with a friend. Then setting my work ahead for the week. I’m looking forward to being productive. I also have set up time for me to read and enjoy some quiet time. I’m not allowing the Sunday Scaries to come in. No complaining that I have to work. Too many people want the very blessing of working. No complaining about my kids. I brought them here and I’m happy to be their parent.

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Another Sunday is here. Let’s plan our success. Work hard but smarter. Take time for intentionality when it comes to how we move in our own spaces and who we let into them. Make today just as amazing as you are! Have a great one. Happy Sunday!

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