
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

There’s so much expectations going on. I’m watching a lot of current events and hearing debates on all types of things. One thing to keep in mind is allowing people to find their way and stay in their own light. So many times we want to make others come you our points about everything. Let people do what feels right to them.

We don’t want people to be cookie cutter versions of everyone around us. Being unique and different is what makes us spark. Learning that you can be among others and be yourself is the only way for you to know and live in authenticity. So don’t worry if you’re ideas don’t match others. Make sure whatever you bring to the table is what you intended. It’s important for you to stand in truth. I’ve learned over the years how amazing life can be when you live on your terms while respecting others around you.

So as we enter this last week of Christmas and you begin to focus on your new goals for the New Year don’t forget to honor yourself. Don’t make your goals on what others think you should be. Don’t wait until the stroke of midnight to be motivated. Start working towards your goals now. Add a new goal each week or even each day. Your goals won’t just turn on January 1st. Your goals need to be turned on every time you wake up. What one or two things can you go to live in your truth and let your light shine?! Do them daily. If you honor yourself it will help you to honor others around you!

Stand in your light today!

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