
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Sunday. Today is a good day to have a good day. As you start your week off let’s talk about starting it with expectations. Sundays are always a hard thing to recover from if you had a great weekend. Now it’s time to get back in focused as we enter this week. In addition to the holidays that are filled with expectations, there is also the need to start your week expecting the good to come from it. Are you willing to put the work into the week that is necessary to achieve goodness?


Sunday Reflections

One thing that I love about Sundays is that you start to reflect and slow down. The slowdown is a great way to assess what you need. For me I like to see what I need for to do for myself and family. Sometimes I meal prep. Other times I am doing the last of the laundry. Other times I plan content. Most times I write in my journal. Journaling is a great way to reflect on what you need. Out needs are simply tangible items. My needs sometimes includes ways to find rest or even take things off of my schedule. Whatever you need to reflect on today take some time to do so. If you struggle with journal prompts here are a few I like to use:

  • I am more than capable, but when I feel less these are the emotions that I feel
  • When was the last time I felt safe?
  • How can I pour more time into my wellbeing?
  • If I had all the tools possible I would….

Again you can journal as little or as much as you want. Just be sure that you take a few minutes to do so daily. Some people also end their day to write down gratitude moments from the day.


Weekly Goal Check

So we talk about goals because they are important. Winging it can only get you so far. So when I find that the struggle to be focused is real I simply do a goal check. If I tell myself I don’t know where to start I write my goals in several categories. Remember your categories will look differently than others. Mine include:

  • Full Body goals: what is my workout or movement schedule looking like, checking my cabinets to make a meal planning list or get meals written down-also grocery shop for missing food needed, filling my water bottles up to help with water intake
  • Mental Health-I just had a therapy session-completing assigned tasks, finding days to incorporate yoga or meditation. Send one friend a hand written note to cheer them up(not just a text or social media)
  • Kids needs-does anyone need extra vitamins or minerals, homework check from the weekend, laundry, and having them set their uniforms for school, have them pack their lunches, does any child have a major project coming up
  • Husband/Relationship check: intimacy check-not necessarily sex but you can check that too, when was the last time we sat and talked, ask if he needs anything from me, and take a moment to see one another
  • Work/Content-write my content calendar for the week, create and edit videos for the week including TikTok and reels, plan this week’s blog posts and more, write and set out all pitch emails or follow up about payments that are outstanding

Sunday Expectations

For my normal Sundays I like to let the house settle as much as possible. I am traveling so that isn’t possible. However since I am not there the routine of settling still is happening. My family confirmed to me that they are all on track. In addition to settling down for the day and taking things a little easier if your Sunday includes an event or place to be-managing that you get there and back in time to have a settle down moment. Rushing around is the devil of time. For me and my anxiety I am not a fan of it. So when you find yourself rushing (we all have these moments) think of what can be done in the future to prevent it.


That is all for this week. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday to its fullest. Next week my family and I have an outing but I scheduled it with relaxation in mind so that it doesn’t occupy our full time or day. Check back for Monday Motivation-we are on schedule to have a blog that is on time this week. Happy Sunday!


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