
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Clean slate

Happy Sunday. Today’s message is all about clearing the slate. As we all grow we find ourselves in hard places. We say things that we don’t mean. Often times we do things that are not good either. It’s okay to admit where you went wrong. Keep in mind that those around you may not be as forgiving as you like.

Therapy and Clean Slates

I have been working with my therapist on how to deal with unforgiveness. Unforgiveness comes in many forms. It causes a rift between relationships, tears families apart, and causes personal turmoil. A few years ago I had to go through a really difficult time with forgiveness. When I went back to therapy for the second time I was prepared to unleash all kinds of hate and animosity. What I got was a mirror. That mirror is key to becoming your best self. It hurts. My therapist is working on me on how to maneuver when you made a mistakes and you desire to move forward. How do you move forward?

clean slate

Clear Slate starts with You

Realize that not all situations will move forward. There could be permanent damage. People in your life do not have to be forgiving. Most times they aren’t.  Learn how to forgive yourself first. This means that you let go of the guilt and make a real change. Others around you will either see it or not. Do not do anything to help them see your truth or value. That is like wasted breath. Instead pour back into you the goodness that regardless of what you have done are deserving. When the people you have hurt comes back, decide how close you want them in your life. Ties when they are severed hurts both the hurting and the aggressor. It’s okay to acknowledge it.

Clean slate

Sunday Motivation

For someone reading this who needs a good clearing of the slate-take a breath. I have noticed in me lately this tension of caring dead weight. Whether that is the weight of your past, the confusion in your present or the self sabotage of your future-its dead weight. Let it go. Find a way to let it go little by little. It took me getting well into my 30s to learn how forgiveness is for you as a person. It frees you in ways that can’t be explained.

Make sure that you take your time. Heal from the inside out. Be a worker of you. You have everyday to do something different that propels you to be your best self. Journal, use therapy, change your circle, clear out the clutter in your heart, mind, and even house. Low energy needs a push from you. Take control of what you can and leave the rest. Today do one thing that makes you smile. I know firsthand how crazy life can become. However you control the waves. Have the most amazing day and we will be back for Monday Motivation.

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