
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So I had a little time yesterday so I thought I would sneak out and head to the pool. I called my girlfriend and she grabbed her girls and we made it into a day! Did I mention that it was like an entire heat wave?!

Let’s back up to Sunday. I woke up in a great mood but just moods they waiver. By mid to late morning I was over the day! I had a party to go to, work to do, etc and I was over it. My husband shout out to him in recognizing when I get like that encouraged me to press through it. By the time I had gotten to the kid party and got a baby fix I was better! We even stopped for some ice-cream and you know ice-cream makes everything better. Side note I have to start finding places that can accommodate non dairy. I paid greatly for that frozen yogurt!

Monday was looking clear and so I made a day of it. The pool and the heat was exactly what I needed. Sun and water always make me feel like a million bucks. Even with all of this melanin I enjoy laying out with my sunscreen getter darker! Tan lines make me feel good. Thankfully with the heat index I couldn’t say there wasn’t enough sun! I enjoyed my pool day! Thanks K! Being able to recognize when I need something for myself and not being afraid to go and get it has been viral for my self-care!

Oh and this week I’m doing no meat. I am committed to doing one week in each month until the end of the year meat free! Ohhhhhh but I have found some yummy dishes that I’m really like I can keep this going. My goal is slowly transition myself into more of a meatless lifestyle. We shall see how far I get. Thankful for my friends sending me recipes, hints and ideas. I had a full day and I wasn’t hungry!

Oh and just like days there are ups and downs I ended up hitting a parked car! All is well do not worry! I’m grateful that I handled it well and it will be just fine!

So let me end by saying as much as I am a planner by nature it felt good being able to just get up and be spontaneous and enjoy a Summer day!! Sneaking off without the kids felt great and I didn’t have to share my food although since it was meat free they might not have wanted any of it anyway! So I’m hoping to have a few more sneak off days soon and I need to complete my Summer to do list! Summer is almost over, what have you not done that you want to do?! Get it done!

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