
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

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Summer is here and in full force. Today in Philadelphia it is the hottest day that we have had all Summer long. Summer is a great time to explore, travel, wind down and more but there are a few safety initiatives that you should keep in mind. From heat and sun to keeping you and the kids safe we are covering it all.

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Summer Heat and Cooling Systems

Like today while we have had heat wave after heat wave it’s important to maintain safety. For instance on extreme heat days preparation is key. When was the last time you checked your air conditioner? Although with the heat we are experiencing here in Philadelphia this check should have been done before now, still do it. We service our air conditioner before the warm air. This way it ensures that we aren’t scrambling for parts or more. Also to note with the benefit of checking it before it gets hot is to make it a maintenance appointment and not an emergency one that will cost you double.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimblog

Staying Inside on Extreme Days

Today for instance there are many businesses that are closing or even delaying their openings especially those who’s primary function is to be outside. This is about safety. So unless you have to be out don’t go outside. Wait until the sun goes down. If you do have to be out wear light clothing. Do not leave the house without a water bottle with cold water inside of it. You already know I have both if not all three of my coldest water bottles on me. They keep my drinks cold for up to 36 hours. There’s no other cup I would use. Get yours now.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Check on the Elderly-Summer Must Do

We have a neighbor that will be 100 years old a few doors down. He is a gem. It takes the community of us to make sure he has what he need.s So a few neighbors on top of his nurse makes sure he has food, water, medications, and more. These essentials items help to be sure that he who doesn’t drive anymore isn’t without the appropriate things. There are plenty of elders in your community, church, and more. Be sure to reach out. Call and check on them. Sit with them for a little while. I think about my own grandmother. We are often even long distance checking in on her. If she needs groceries thanks to apps like Instacart I can get her what she needs without traveling to her.
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Protect the Kids from the heat

Kids have no concept of safety. It is our job to make sure they have what they need. However in the summer although we tend to be more relaxed, take the time to see that they too are eating and drinking. One of the things that can cause a safety issue is if a child hasn’t eaten and is in the heat. They too can get sick. Keep a lot of fruit in your home. This is a great snack that will have additional water benefits to it. We do water check ins too. This turns into a game at times.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Alternative Activities for the Kids:

  • Indoor water play- Big Kahunas
  • Bowling
  • Aquarium
  • Museum
  • Indoor Mini Golf
  • Art and more creative activities

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Signs of Heat Exhaustion

The way this heat is set up what you think is normal during hotter times may be a danger. Here are some examples of heat exhaustion to be aware of:

  • Clammy skin
  • Heavy sweating
  • Fast or weak pulse
  • Muscle cramps
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Thirst
  • Fainting

If you experience any of these symptoms get to a cooler area, loosen your clothing, apply cool and wet cloths or sit in a cool bath and drink some sips of water. If these symptoms last more than an hour or you vomit more than once, get medical attention immediately. Protect yourself. I will have more ways to stay safe all during this week. Enjoy and be safe.

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