
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Stress can kill. We all know that but do we recognize the effects of stress when it happens in real time. So let’s talk about this silent killer. It comes and mimics pains and sickness that doctors can’t find. You can get evesry test in the world and discover that the stress in your body has shown up. So if you are not involved in your wellness, stress will cost you all kinds of money.


Stress and Sickness

I remember in college having panic attacks in my body. I would run to the on campus doctor and they couldn’t find a heart related issue. It felt like what I imagined a heart attack would be. They suggested that I go see a therapist. As a 20 something year old woman I ignored it. I made up excuses that they didn’t know what they were talking about. In my mind I needed to see a Specialist however I never went. As I got older I ignored those words about seeing a therapist or taking care of my overall wellness. I spent thousands of dollars in copays, hospitalizations for observations and more.


Stress and Wellness

So it wasn’t until about 10 years ago I got a blood clot in my brain that I needed to move differently. I was diagnosed while pregnant with my last child. It’s something I wouldn’t wish on my enemy. It was then that I need that I had to take care of me better than I was. As we get older we realize how much wasted time we ignited by not tapping into our health. If you are reading this and haven’t had a full check up, gynecology appointment, or eye appointment. I want you to make a declaration that you will take your health seriously. Not knowing where you are in your health isn’t a way to evade it. Eventually your health will truly be your wealth. You can’t simply take of everyone else while leaving yourself last. Change the mindset.


Stress Affects us All Differently

We all have stress but we all deal with it differently. There are the stress eaters. The angry stressed out people who become increasingly irritable or loud. Some are quiet and retreat. These are the ones to watch. There’s a difference in holding things in and keeping your “business” to yourself. Either way you have to be careful in making sure that instead of placing a bandaid over your stress that you deal with it. You may find that an immediate fix isn’t in the cards. Some things take time. Do your diligence to take care of you.

Frustrated mother rubbing her temples

Stress Less Activities to Add to your Daily Life

  • Get physical-move a few times a week a simple walk for 10-15 minutes can do wonders
  • Get spiritually grounded-whatever your belief system is dig in and take it seriously
  • Eat well-Food is strength. Make sure whatever you eat is something that will give you the best energy source
  • Yoga or meditation
  • Journal
  • Meet new People
  • Take yourself on a date once a month
  • Give yourself a yes day-sometimes we talk ourselves out of things
  • Take a solo trip or staycation
  • Make a new routine
  • Increase water intake-super angry or mad drink cold water

Whatever you do to handle your stress allow it to be something that is for your good. Treat yourself well. Talk to yourself well. Your body is listening. Stress can’t be eliminated in life but having stress take over your life doesn’t have to be apart of your story.

So take care of your mental health as well. Don’t let that be the last area that you handle. Stress attacks the mind in so many ways. You got this! We got this!

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