
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Are the people around you a sitting duck on your goals? So the high from the New Year can still be felt.  Everyone is still riding hard in the gym.  Cakes and pies are being passed in order to eat healthier.  Some are even being nice to those who normally wouldn’t even get a hello. So how can you find focus in your goals?

kids holding hands
Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

Waiting Ducks to Distract You

These are all great feats – keep them going.  If you already fallen off don’t be  discouraged.  It’s around this time that some are literally sitting and waiting for you to mess up.  I like to call them sitting ducks.  Ever notice a sitting duck when you are feeding them at the park?  They are the ones that only wait for the food to be thrown.  They exert no extra energy until another duck comes along and then they want to peck at them.

assorted rubber duckies on white surface
Photo by George Becker on

Yes these sitting ducks are just like some whom you allow a front row in your life.  They don’t do anything until you come along trying to better yourself and then bam, they peck at every goal you make.  Sitting ducks aren’t “haters” in the sense that they don’t mind you doing anything until you get close to what they secretly wanted to accomplish.

Example of Sitting Ducks

When you say I’m going to lose weight they encourage you with words.  They don’t think you can do it but they won’t say anything negative – they just sit and wait.  These ducks know how many times you have fallen.  They know how many mess ups along the way.  The sitting duck once you lose that noticeable weight will speak up.  Then comes she’s not all that.  Then comes the I remember when negativity that was had along.  Sitting ducks just want the benefit without the work.  They want the glory without the test.  They want the recognition but have no idea the cost.

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

How to Spot a Sitting Duck

It’s easy to spot a sitting duck.  They usually have a front row.  These are family members, or close friends that you hold dear.  It’s only after being bit that our bulb comes on of their true character.  Maybe you are the sitting duck?  Only you know and only you can change.  Remove the sitting duck out of your life.  They don’t have no place with you.  Why be drained emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically?  Trust me that duck will quack just give it time.  The only ones who should be in your circle should be the ones who have proven to have your best interest in mind.

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

Friend or Foe?

Mark in your mind the sitting duck in your life.  Then don’t make no proclamation to them of who they are.  When you make your necessary changes they won’t be able to stand to be around.  Sorry little duck we see you! Don’t give the duck anymore time to drain the life out of you. Take a stand. You may feel alone for a little while but trust the real supporters are on their way.


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