
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy almost 4th of July. Many people are off today or will be off tomorrow. You may not want to do anything for the fourth. That is okay as well. However, if you are looking for some things to do this weekend either in Philly or just at home here are my 4th of July Self-care suggestions.

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Welcome a Calming Day for the 4th

One thing about being off is being off. So that means enjoy it. Turn your alarm off. I for one won’t be since I have therapy that was missed last week. With the spirit of relaxation in mind do just that. Wake up tomorrow on your own time. Sleep is a wonderful way to self-care especially if you are like me and always up super early all year long. I do try to let my body rest on days like today. Also do not feel bad if you also want to have a relaxing breakfast or even an early lunch and skip breakfast altogether. My kids know that on the weekends I will cook a big breakfast but on holidays like today and its during the week they are on their own.

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Catch up on Summer Reading

I personally love to read. It is one of those things that I wish I had more time to do. Since I don’t days like today give me reason to be in my pajamas and read like crazy. There is nothing more special than reading a delightful book and that’s even with listening to one on Audible while I do light cleaning. If you are looking for recommendations, I have a few on my Amazon list. Also, if you know that you only have this one day this is a terrific way to go to Barnes and Nobles or other bookstore and buy some books today. There is always a sale so catch it. 

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Get out and Enjoy it

For others, the day today may be their first beach or day trip somewhere fun. Enjoy it. Pack for what you need making comfort your guide on all things. When packing for an all-day event go over the worst-case scenarios and be prepared for them. For me since I have kids I try to pack around safety and ailments. My kids could be in the house for a full day, and nothing happens. Take them outside and suddenly, they can’t walk and get hurt. 

Cookouts and Meet Ups

I am not a full fan of cookouts as I have gotten older. It could be living in Philadelphia where every turn you take you hear of some sort of violence. I try to limit in city cookouts. Now before you get upset yes anything can happen anywhere, but I know where things tend to be the worst.

So, if you are meeting up with people today, I always have a rule. If I don’t really enjoy their presence and feel as if the day will be more of a chore than enjoyment I don’t go. Simple rules to live by. Think about all the time we don’t have in this life. To spend it on someone or somewhere I don’t want to be is not where I want to be.

While enjoying your 4th make it what you want

I am not about to tussle with folks that say that today isn’t about freedom for all. Today is a celebration of the United States. If you don’t want to celebrate simply do not. I never understood why we have to make these church announcements. I can see you educating on today. However, to argue beliefs is a waste of time. Do you really think someone stuck on their mindset will change because you said so. No educate, and then enjoy your day the way you seem fit. 

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As you prepare for your level of relaxation, cookouts and meet ups, staying at home, reading, shopping, or whatever else you decide to do simply do what works best for you. You have nothing to proof. Happy 4th of July for those who celebrate. Joyful day off and reset for others.

On days off its good to check in with those you live with to find out what they want. I know as a wife that I do a lot of planning but its collaborative. We sync our calendars together, add in no workdays, and rest. So respect those who may not want to do a honey do list on their day off, go anywhere, etc. 

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