
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Since the pandemic many companies have embraced the idea of workers working from home. There has been some adjustments as the outside world opened however the premise of taking care of you while working from home hasn’t changed. Many people believe that working from home is easier. Albeit easier it is more of a convenience and there are certain self care needs that has risen from working from home.

Comfortability from working from home

Many people talk about how hard it is to work from home because of the comfort of doing so. If you are blessed to be able to separate your work and home life for example in a home office, it is easier to dive into your work day. For many especially since the pandemic are working at desks, tables, and more that don’t always allot for the separation. Without the separation it is easier to get caught up in more home life than work. Although work loads haven’t decreased it is still a task staying on task.

Many people talk about not eating, staying hydrated and more. They tend to sit at their areas due to many jobs having ways to track how productive they are while at home. So here are some tips to help.

Set the tone in you work from home day

For instance, I too work from home. So its key for me to wake up in enough time to get dressed, make my breakfast and eat it before I start my day. We have to sometimes train our mind of rolling out of bed to simply log in. So prepare the day. Eat a well balanced meal, get up, and also set your working area. For me, I use my diffuser/humidifier that attaches to my laptop, stock my area with water and something to drink as well as a morning snack. Although I could leave my desk area and make lunch, I try to prepare it earlier so it’s easier to refuel without an excuse.

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Also my work area tends to be either too cold or too warm. So I dress accordingly and to fix my posture I use a foot stool that helps me as well. Make sure your work area is well lit. If it is too dark it sends me a signal that I am sleepy even when I am well rested. Although you could when needed roll out of bed-deter yourself from this practice. If your job has required you to more hybrid try to make sure you get more sleep on in office days too.

What gadgets are you using during your work from home days?

I am a firm believer that working smarter and not harder helps set the tone. I already mentioned my diffuser. But things like a cell phone 3-in-1 charger to keep my headphones, and Apple watch is my go to as well. I also have a smaller white board that goes on my desk. This is great way to take quick notes without over using my note pad. I can focus on tasks that are thrown my way a little quicker. In addition to these gadgets, there are a few others that aren’t necessary but make me feel comfortable like a desk fan, foot warmer, and coffee mug warmer that I enjoy in the appropriate seasons.

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Gadget Suggestions for Work From Home

Here is a checklist of gadgets for your work from home. Also this is great for entrepreneurs who have been working from home before working from home became popular. As we move into a new season, Fall, keep in mind that being productive is about how you plan ahead.

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  • Airpods/headphones
  • Multiport Hub (you can get an inexpensive one from Five Below)
  • 2-3 dock monitor (if your job has one get one from IT first before you make the investment)
  • Desk or standing desk to help you do steps while you work
  • Lap Desk for those who do not have a separated desk area or office
  • Great chair and add the appropriate pillows for your back-if your back is on fire after a long day at home, make the investment
  • Notepad and pens
  • Laptop stand so you aren’t looking at you laptop the wrong way
  • Blue light glasses
  • Keyboard wrist pad
  • Eye Strain Screen bar
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Let’s level up our work from home stations. Being productive is key to being able to earn a living and having the capacity to work and manage life. Also should go without saying, be careful of what you post online during working hours, travel, and more when you are supposed to be working. Too many people are following behind the TikTok trends and getting fired.

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