Times have been increasingly hard. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you are in. From the breaking news that occurs every few hours and more, people are going through and that includes me too. When times are hard it’s not as easy as it would seem to stay focus, hold the line, or nor dwell on the negativity that you see. Here are some ways for you calm the noise and get some strength for what’s ahead.

Take a Pause
We do not watch the news in our house. We the adults choose to get our news from vetted sources online. So many times having the news simply playing in your home can really mess with your mind. Kudos to those where the news doesn’t bother them but most people would agree it’s an issue. Everything on the news for the most part albeit informative has the sense of doom and gloom. To a way it has to be because of the times that we are in!

To me having that energy in my home is counterproductive. Also we are also a very busy on the go family. We simply do not have the time in the world to take it all in. So this works for us.
Do what works for you
This blog is mean to be a refresher and encourager of self preservation. How you do it will remain your choice. So many times what works for one home doesn’t work for another. There are a million and one ways to take care of you. Only you know what you need. Which brings me to another point. Even if you are in a committed relationship or even married normalize letting your person do what works for them.

So many couples argue over the need to decompress or engage in things. As long as either partners are engaging in the community of keeping space in the home then how it gets done is not as pressing as one thinks. I’ve seen major blow ups over technique when it could be avoided.
Basic Upkeep and your Self Care
Have you ever let yourself go? You know the point where you notice that you haven’t eaten, are thirsty, starting to get sick because you are worn down? This happens when we are over consumed in the wrong things. If you were taught by seeing key people in your world that being last is how you show you care-let’s change that perspective.

You don’t become a better wife, husband, father, mother, friend, and more by constantly showing up for others while depriving yourself. When it boils down to it while doing those things are nice, you become depleted. Depleting your sleep, resources, help, health for the sake of others build resentment. Ever do something for someone and they hit you with those dreaded words, “I never asked you to?” It’s a sting but it’s true. Over extensions is a way to hinder personal progress!
Pull Back but Be Helpful with Self Care
With everything happening in the world one thing that is coming up as a theme is community. You may have to do more for the folks in your world. Although it at times can be a lot consider the blessing in being able to assist others. One thing about assisting is that you have to remember it’s only an assist. The second you see it’s being taken for grounded or you’re doing too much-pull back. A healthy no helps everyone.

Don’t make yourself so available that the people you’re helping don’t problem solve on their own. The best way to help is to lead people to a resource and let them do their best. When you become the source without a plan on self preservation for both you and them it becomes problematic.
Choose your Level of Engagement
You have to pick and choose where you want to engage in. This flows into every level of life, love, and relationship. I’ve cut back on my PR events. One of the reasons I’ve grown to the point where they no longer need to dominate my socials. Two, the value in overextended myself is not there. I’m choosing me.

Of course the continued set of self care like taking care of you, sleep, eating, placing boundaries, taking time away, staycations, vacations, reading a good book, doing a crossword puzzle, and the list goes on but it’s time to buckle down. Being intentional now is more important than ever. Don’t forget to invest in yourself. Please practice active self care.