Quintessence Theatre definitely gets high marks for their amazing production of The Little Princess directed by Suli Holm. With this performance there’s one price for fun for the whole family. You can choose interactive or non interactive. We decided to go with interactive.
Interactive Fun
It was a lot of fun. You had to come with a snack, a candle to be lit during the performance, as well as a favorite toy. These were the props that were used and made my children especially feel like we were apart of the production because we actually were. I loved how that helped to captivate the kids. I loved it too to be honest. The time flew and before we knew it, our time was done. The performance was done via Zoom however it was really intimate and to be honest the actresses did an amazing job.

Fam bam all ready with their props
Little Princess Themed
I loved how I was able to talk to my children after the show. Little Princess is about a young lady, Sara, who is in boarding school while her dad is in the war. Sara’s dad has set her up for a wealthy lifestyle while in the boarding school. When Sara’s dad died leaving no inheritance Miss Minchin, owner of the boarding school mistreats Sara. Sara was played by Renea Brown. She was remarkable. My daughter in particular just loved her acting as well as she looked like them. I had to explain to them that sometimes people do things for greed. They do things based off what they think they can get from you. Despite that the character of Sara never changed. Life is hard but how you go through things determines sometimes the outcomes. I loved the lesson!
Leigha Kato
I loved Leigha Kato’s ability to play Miss Minchin so well. I had to explain to my youngest that it was just a character. She was big mad at Miss Minchin. Rightfully so Miss Minchin is the one who is the antagonist. She’s the one who does all of the mean things to Sara. She is the one who is responsible for her personal greed. However who doesn’t love a good ending?! Miss Minchin met her match at the end when she lost it all!
Jacinta Yelland and Simran Bal
I loved her as Mr. Carrie Ford and his assistant Ram Dass, played by Simran Bal befriends Sara along with her the monkey! The kids loved the monkey. I remember finding one of those old school monkeys from my grandparents attic one year. The way that the actresses exchanged between scenes and did it so flawlessly if there were issues during the performance it wasn’t apparent to the audience. Both ladies were extraordinary.
Simran Bal
Zoomed Out
As much as we use Zoom for school, meetings, work, etc. this was a refreshing change of pace. You forget that you’re in a Zoom and focus more on the fact that the actresses are so compelling and insightful.
Jacinta Yelland
The Little Princess is playing virtually with Quintessence Theatre now until December 27th. This makes an amazing gift to give to anyone who you want to give an experience to in lieu of gifts! Also it supports the efforts of Quintessence and all who played a part in this amazing production. In times when theaters are closed leaving actors and actresses scrambling having the support of patrons mean the world! So I’m going to put my money where my mouth is and I’m going to sponsor one family the ability to see this production. Follow me on Instagram where this play review is posted. Use the word princess and that will enter you to see the production. One winner will be chosen and arrangements on time of play will be made!
For all others you can go here for ticket information! Let’s flood Quintessence Theatre with support!
Thanks to Quintessence Theatre as well as Carrie Gorn for having me. As always the excellence that I have love about the quality of work in the arts never stops! This was an excellent production! Congrats!