
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


What’s love have to do with life? Everything. Camille is a love story that is based on the argument of loyalty, love, and even death. How far would you go to prove your love?

Camille’s Love Appeal

Armand played by Dax Richardson is smitten by Camille played by Billie Wyatt. Love at first sight he’s definitely enchanted by her beauty. However although the love bug is floating around her she’s not easily taken in by his charm. Both are playing the game of who will win as Armand makes his claim early on his intentions. Camille though smitten won’t give in as she’s battling being sick and living a good life. If you read the blog post, Flyin’ West both Billie and Dax play a couple by totally different means in Camille.


Camille and Armand

Love has a way of letting us take our guard down. Have you ever been in love when you least expected? I have. Armand when Camille was sick called daily to check on her. He never missed a call and at that point had never met Camille. But he was pursuant in his endeavors. Now that they have come into close quarters Armand learns how he just work to show Camille that he’s worthy of her love. But like love it comes with its highs and lows, a passing visit with Count De Varville, played by Les Thomas Cortopassi, makes Armand fly into a jealous rage. A chance letter almost derail the whole love affair.


Quintessence Theatre and Camille Stage Set up

The set up with having the audience surround the entire stage I really loved. I loved it in Flyin’ West as well. I feel like as an audience member we really have a better sense of what is happening. It’s almost as if we are in the middle of the performance. Something about that has a huge draw. There’s something about this set up that helps the audience as well. 


Colorful Cast in Camille

I loved how the actors and actresses were from all different backgrounds. It really was beautiful to see. In addition it was a tragic love story but it also had a lot of humor in it. The party scenes and conversations also have layered undertones. Camille definitely has a reputation of being with many men in the town. She leaves all of this behind and sells what she has to live quietly in the country with Armand when his dad shows up and asks her to denounce her love for him. To finally leave behind everything you know and want a fresh start and have it tainted by having to act as if the love you know doesn’t exist. Armond is heart broken and he doesn’t understand why. 


Love or Love Lost 

In the end, Camille gets her love? You have to decide. I can see how it could be interpreted in either direction. Love has a way of fulfilling itself in many ways. If you love something and let it go if it comes back it’s yours for sure. Have you ever let the one you love get away? Has it ever come back? Everyone around Camille’s story is all encompassed in their stories of what love and loyalty means to them. Nanine played by Julia Sims showcases her love and loyalty by being there for Camille throughout her last moments. Helping her and nursing her to health. Armand comes back but is it a little too late? 


Thank you to Quintessence Theater for having me. I loved the hospitality. I took my teenager daughter with me and she understand and even helped a few audience members with the interpretation of it. That is what art does, it makes it as simple or as complex. This story had the same amount of rises and falls. From seeing your friends not appreciate their relationship or feel that they are being taken advantaged to experiencing the portrayal of a Father like Armand’s Dad. There was something we all took away from Camille. A special thank you to Perpetual Motion PR for having me as well. Camille is showing until July 10. Get your tickets now. 



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