It’s a semi decent Sunday-no rain, snow or really cold. For me Sundays are days where I recharge. I didn’t attend church today but we were able to catch up on some Sunday services on television. What are ways in which you prepare for your week? Things like meal prep, to do list writing, and more can go a long way.

Week Preparations and Taking a Time Out
As I sat listening to the things around me-my kids, husband, washing machine, etc I thought what could I do in addition to helping my family that would benefit me solely. I have made promises to myself all week to workout yet I hadn’t done that. So I decided right then to get up and find one of my workout tapes. It felt so good and painful but I felt accomplished. With all the things that I do to prepare my family for the week it felt great to be able to do one thing for myself. I decided to figure out some other areas so for me I’m not good at reaching out to friends. I decided to call and text a few people and begin making plans to catch up as well. Friends especially good ones are good for the soul.

Taking a time out is always good to shift the mindset.
Preparing Others Around You
As a mom, I pride myself on doing a lot for my family. As they get older it is important to help those independent kids to be able to do for themselves. There are ways to get kids involved in preparation. Some people use shoe organizers to help kids fill them with an outfit per day. This small tasks help kids learn to focus on what is ahead of time. Also things like getting them to help with meal preparation or breakfast are easy ways for them to assist too. Checking their homework and see what they can study too.

Soul Check
How are you feeling deep down in your soul? I didn’t get a chance to go to church. When I can’t go to church I like to read the Bible, listen to a YouTube pastor, read a spiritual book. Anything that makes me feel alive and know that I have done my best to pray and talk with the Lord.

Resting Up
Do not discount rest. Rest is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Taking a nap is top tier. Think about all of the naps that you tried to avoid as a kid. Do you wish you had taken them now as an adult? I do. Naps are necessary for a recharge. Other things like sleeping in, watching tv or even reading a book in bed are super helpful.

What do you need to do to prepare for your week? Have you fed yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically. What do you need to get your mind and body to a state of fulfillment. Make sure you do just that no excuses, no delays- just make the first step you will be surprised what you can accomplish once you start.