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Children’s theatre is back at The Arden Theatre and Pinocchio is a must see. It’s inclusive, captivating, and keeps kid’s imaginations in mind.

Before you see Pinocchio

Pinocchio is showing at The Arden Theatre now until June 9th. This show is for all ages but kids under 10 will probably be more entertained than an older teenager. However with all family oriented shows it’s a great way to bring all together. Be sure to start on time. The show is very interactive. There’s a sense of a call and response that happened varies times in the show.

Nathan Alford-Tate and Reese Castaldi photo by Wide Eyed Studios; Courtesy of The Arden Theatre

The show really relies on at least an elementary understanding of Pinocchio. There were parts that made me question if I had watched it before. Thus making me rewatching it. Snacks as always are available. Alcoholic drinks are not available during kid shows. Keep that in mind. It is imperative to take the kids to the bathroom before the show starts. The next intermission is about 15 minutes.

Adults and Overstimulation

I’ve heard several adults refer to being overstimulated. I honestly believe these are adults without kids. For adults with kids we already have an expectation that we are going to be engaged with music and more. Our expectations of such theatre makes it tolerable to enjoy the show. In my opinion children’s theatre has always had lots of color, music, and more to keep the attention of children.

Reese Castaldi photo by Wide Eyed Studios; Courtesy of The Arden Theatre

Any adult who is expecting less is going to have an issue.

The Characters of Pinocchio

Pinocchio is played by Reese Castaldi. His ability to bring that childlike mannerisms to the character did not go unforgotten. During his story telling skills, you can see how he and the rest of he cast really do enjoy the work that they do. Collectively they are a force. Reese also brings in a charm that allows the audience to know that he is story telling without sounding as if he’s reading a script. He takes Pinocchio and adds an energy that is felt.

The rest of the Cast

Anthony Martinez-Briggs has an energy like no other. I could tell my youngest was drawn into his character because every time he moved, she moved along with him. It could be that he started off the production in the call and response type way. In addition, my daughter couldn’t ask a question in the theatre at the end. However, she was able to ask him afterwards her questions. She raved in how he took that time with her and honestly isn’t that what children’s theatre is supposed to do? 

Izzy Sazak

Izzy Sazak was my personal favorite. I don’t know if it was because of their energy but I really liked her characters. They played Geppetto, Fox, and the Donkey. The way in which they made sure to meet the kids where they could see them. Often the roles required her to be on the floor.

Izzy Sazak Nathan photo by Wide Eyed Studios; Courtesy of The Arden Theatre

If you have kids or been around, you know that being on an eye level is helpful kids to be seen and heard. Nathan Alford-Tate he is just a bubbly form of a human. I was impressed with his athletic ability and flexibility which we got to see a lot of. In addition, he is just cheery, and I really enjoyed his demeanor.

Anthony Martinez-Briggs, Reese Castaldi photo by Wide Eyed Studios; Courtesy of The Arden Theatre

Each of the actors built upon each other. The story of Pinocchio teaches kids to be honest, inventive, creative, and problem solving.

The Production Team

The production team really did a great job with the set. It was colorful and imaginative. Its one of the first things that you notice as soon as you enter the room. One of the things that I love about the Arden is that they leave the stage open as you enter. It allows the small minds to be able to imagine what they were going to see. One of the things that my youngest brought up was that she was looking for it to be more puppet style.

I had to let her know that she missed the part where Pinocchio had his legs and arms drawn on in a puppet style way. Once I brought it to her attention that helped her when it came time for Pinocchio to turn into a real boy. It was subtle enough that someone not paying attention could miss but big enough to make an impact.

The show is a solid one. Its modern spin on Pinocchio is refreshing and engaging. If you have small children especially those who have never been exposed to theatre this makes a great first show experience. Make sure like always that you get your tickets online before you attend. The show runs about 105 minutes with a 15-minute intermission. Grab your family and a few snacks onsite and enjoy it. Thank you to En Route Marketing and the staff of The Arden Theatre for having me.

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