National Self-Care Day » ToiTime


Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Today is National Self Care Day. A day to remind you as I often do here is that you must take time out for yourself. We all lead busy lives. There is something about taking the time out to pour into you. Do that as often as you can.  So,  let’s talk about self-care as well as recap the week.

Courtesy of Toitimeblog

Taking a Step Back

This week I took more time than I normally do to get rest and take care of me as I was dealing with  debilitating  migraines. I cancelled myself out of about 3 events this week. If you know  me, you know that I am stickler on keeping my schedule as calm as possible.  I spent a lot of time in the bed and nursing myself back to health. This is also self-care.self-care. Taking care of your needs when you need them is how you take care of you. Do not be afraid of taking a break. Also do not be afraid of saying no as well. 

Theatre to see this Weekend

  • FrozenFrozen is in its last weekend at Ensemble Arts Philly
  • Lehman TrilogyLehman Trilogy at Arden Theatre
  • MacbethMacbeth at Quintessence Theatre

Blogs you May have Missed this week

Self-Care for the Overwhelmed

I have said this before and I mean it that you have to establish a self-care routine while you are not in full need of it. This is the reason that safety plans exist. You don’t wait until you are in danger to enact a plan. When I did my second to last therapy sessions, we came together and made a plan.

Courtesy of Pexel Photos

Little did I know that I would need it more during the pandemic as we did it without knowing a natural disaster would be taking place. Here are some things that you can do when you are overwhelmed. This is when things have gone left and you’re not sure of a game plan to attack what you are struggling through:

  • Remind yourself this happens to all
  • Take a deep breath
  • Write down what your immediate issue
  • If you use self help toys like stress balls use it
  • Time out-give yourself permission to freak out for 15 minutes
  • Get outside for a quick walk or simply stand in the elements

Weekend Plans

I plan to visit with some family this weekend. My husband and I have a date night that I can’t wait for. In addition, I plan to reorganize my bedroom that was one of the rooms that we didn’t get a chance to clean up when we did the spring cleaning. I am happy to report that we have been keeping the kids on task with the house and it has made me extremely happy. There is only one media event for me, and I will report back my findings early next week. Once a month I have been doing content that talks about therapy and more. So be on the look out for that. This means I will be doing some heavy recording and editing to get the content ready.

Courtesy of Toitimeblog

Breaking News-Earthquake

Did you feel that earthquake. In Philadelphia we felt it and it was scary. I won’t go too deep into church related things but if you know you know-so act accordingly. For all others just know that was scary.

Conversations with Toi-Friday Podcast Drop

The new episode is out now. We have Joi Carter. You may remember her from the show Ready to Love where she met her husband, Clifton. Now as a couple they are both on Own’s Love and Marriage DC. She is coming to Philadelphia to City Winery on April 12th to bring music and vibes. Tickets are available. We talked about music and influence of it. In addition, we talked about her time on the shows, how her and her husband navigate their time on them, and of course mental health.

Joi Carter, Courtesy of Dawn Scooter PR

Solar Eclipse Ready

Monday will be a historical day and I can’t wait. I’m taking the kids out of school early so we can attend a Solar Eclipse party. If you will be in its paths make sure you’re safe. I’ve included my Amazon list to help you throw your own party or be safe!

Courtesy of Toitimeblog

So, there you have it, that is all I have for the week. Take care of you and the things that surround you. Pour into your cup by doing one thing for yourself this weekend. 

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