
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy National Relaxation Day. As much as we know that we should relax and do things for ourselves it has become a lost art. The world tells Black women that if we relax and are soft that we are weak. That is not simply true. Relaxation is the way that we rebuild and strengthen ourselves. What is the biggest reason you struggle to relax?

Relaxation Day Stumps

What stumps us from enjoying our day and space? Is it the lack of time? From being overwhelmed and overworked are easy ways to stump us from enjoying ourselves. Is it the lack of things to do? Sometimes we place all kinds of hedges around being open to creative ways of thinking and doing. Either way, today is a reminder to relax. To simply enjoy the art of you. There are a million and one ways to relax but only one person stopping you and that is you. So, let’s get into some creative ways to simply enjoy today’s relaxation reminder.


How to Relax with a Full Time Job

Let’s face it. It would be nice if you were able to take off today but since that might not be the case let’s find ways to relax on a full day worth of working. This means that the little things will matter the most. Some can’t simply get off work and head to a spa day but that’s alright, let’s turn your home into a spa moment. For instance, the use of shower bombs. They work just like bath bombs but are for the shower. I personally have a big bag I got from Amazon. They come in 3 inviting fragrances. I wash the day away by taking in the scents. In addition, I use my whatever in the shower like shower gels, oil, or scrubs to add a little extra TLC to my skin. In an instant a shower becomes an oasis after a long day.

Adding a little shopping trip before I come home for myself is a great way to unwind. I am a caretaker so often I spend more of my time getting things for everyone else. You can stop at your beauty supply store to grab a new lipstick, or even get yourself some new skin care items or more. The main thing with relaxation is that it is for you and without hinderance. 

Caregivers who Lack Time for Themselves

As I stated above, I am a caregiver and it’s not something I can simply turn off. My life is dedicated to making sure that those around me are well taken care of. Who takes care of me? Who gets me the flowers that I desire? What about the time to time to rest? Lately I have been doing weekly flower hauls. This is as simple as getting loose flowers and making my own bouquet or going to bed at a descent hour. The things that await me will be there the next day. Taking care of me becomes the priority. Sometimes I even treat myself to a meal that is exclusive for me alone. You know the art of going to a restaurant and eating alone or ordering for home and enjoying it without sharing. Caregivers of BBG you are deserving of rest.

Take time to shut out the world. Instead of mindless television every night, dedicate to going to be at a descent hour once a week. Do not discount rest as being a place and point of relaxation. It’s amazing what 8 hours of sleep can do. Yes, I am of the notion of not always knowing what 8 hours of sleep looks like. 

A Mental Health Day

I know time is of the essence. However, a day of you is right what you may need. A day to simply load the day with 3-4 activities that boost your spirit. For instance, in my most recent day and mind you I only had 4 hours to do it I started off at a local coffee shop. In that hour I enjoyed sipping coffee and people watching. I went over to the hair salon and got my hair done. Lastly, I ended my day feeding my family leftovers while enjoying a meal I had picked up. Was it selfish? Yes. Is selfish wrong? No. Take selfish moments to fill your cup. It felt like a 4-hour vacation that gave me so much joy.

So this relaxation day do a crossword puzzle, read a magazine, get flowers for yourself, take a walk in your neighborhood, enjoy a dessert, have dinner with yourself or friends, go to the movies, shop, read, and whatever makes your heart leap because you are deserving.

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