
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Well ladies, its our day to look at the men.  Yes day in and day out we get watched, talked to, pushed up against and its annoying to be honest. However for me I don’t know if the men would get irritated as we do but its our day to look them up and down.  Our day to whistle, and cat call to a degree.

So a lot of people talk about how its sexist to see a woman and make comments.  I think its more inappropriate to be disrespectful towards women.  I think it should work for men too.  So while you are looking remain just as respectful as you ladies want men to be towards you.

Here are some rules:

1.Look and don’t touch.

2. Stay on the bleachers when it comes to admiring a woman’s husband.  Do not I repeat come off the bleachers to come for that man-I can’t defend you or help you should you be told about yourself.

3. Keep it classy.  There is such a thing as a “thirsty” woman too.

However there’s nothing wrong to admire a male body.  I for one love to look at a little eye candy. Now I’m married so for me it would only be strictly looking.  For my single ladies it can always turn into something. So enjoy National Man Watcher’s Day today. Men flaunt that smile and let the lady admire you for once.


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