
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Monday. I want to encourage you that you will definitely win. Even if by reading the title of the blog you feel you are in a losing season, you still win. There are a lot of things that happen that are completely out of your hands. From resources, team, and more. However knowing the days when I sat at the bottom, one thing that I am reminded is that winning is always close by. So what do you do while in your winning season or to get to your winning season?

Monday Hard Work Mantra

Yes in a winning season or to get there you still have to work. It’s like running a marathon. There is a lot of work that goes into it. Recovery is right behind it but in the same breath you aren’t just going to simply be comfortable. So you work hard. You get up. Find your passions. Get the right people behind you or dwindle the ones you discovered aren’t on your team. You have to focus on the ending goal. Sometimes you have to catch your breath and tag team someone to stand in the gap, but hard work is essential.


Hard work means also finding a way to work smarter too. This comes from not doing things in patterns that don’t yield results. Just because you are used to something working in a way before, it may be time to develop a new plan of action. Be flexible and coachable to win the game.

Stay the Course

I will give an example with the blog. Before there were sponsored deals and collaborations I had to stay the course. I wasn’t sure what that meant in this space. Do I blog once a week? Once a month? Whatever my schedule I had to learn to be consistent. Your community, supporters, won’t know your blogging voice without you being consistent. Now apply that to your area of work. Where can you stay the course? Maybe you have been so drained at work that the tenacity that you once had is gone. Remember the days you were on time? You smiled as you entered the building? If they are gone, what led to it leaving? Are you burned out? What do you need? A vacation is nice but it doesn’t solve the problems of burn out. So for those who think that a vacation will resolve your issues it won’t.


Burn out means the course you are on needs revamped. So if you need to have a hybrid schedule, a new teammate, more help, better streamline way of accomplishing goals that is what you focus on. Ask for what you need. If you have asked but it seems nothing is happening, what’s the next step?

Monday Skills Assessment

Sometimes we have so much tenacity that it opens doors that skills didn’t match. However you need to gather some skills underneath you to sustain your role. There are way too many online forums for you to acquire skills these days. Colleges offer free classes in your community. At work you can ask HR for courses or enrichment to help. The point is closed mouths don’t get fed. Ask. Elevate your skills. Do not continue to work in a way that doesn’t bring you a profit. Profits are more than financial. It’s all about what you can add to you that adds value. For me in what I do, finding apps and learning how to use them adds value. I can make my money by efficient with the right tools.


Monday Mantra

So now that we are up and rocking it this Monday, what is your mantra? A mantra is your saying that keeps you going and motivated. We all need one. Find one. Use it. Speak it as often as you need to. Whatever it is that you need, grab it and make it happen. I send blessings into your day. Today is also National Relaxation day. So although it’s a Monday, find ways to add relaxation into your day. Small things can help you relax as you move forward. Go kick Monday in the butt and crush your goals. Happy Monday to you!

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