Jealousy can be super ugly. When someone is jealous of you they do not have your best intention in mind. They do not wish you well. This is why you have to be aware of these allegiances you make at work and be sure that the folks you work with our pure.
Work and Roll
It’s okay to work with folks without having work and life cross. For one not everyone you work with needs to have access to your social media life. For one if you are like me who blogs my blog life is an open book. I blog mostly about me. My thing is if my momma can read my blog than anyone can. All of my messy past, all of my failures are out there. It is what it is. However when it comes to my kids I am super locked on them. For that reason alone my personal pages are locked. I do everything with them. If you are on my personal pages its clear as water. However the drawback of having a co-worker on your page is giving them access to the side they don’t see. Be careful who you open yourself to. The very ones you open up to could be a problem. You can actually work and roll. This means be a team player, be involved in work fun but know when not to blur the lines of professional and personal. Sometimes people box you in at work to a “she’s just (insert title) and would be amazed at how dope you really are outside of work. Leave that space for folks who you would genuinely hang out with outside of work. I peep people before giving them front rows to my life.
Jealousy is Stagnant
If you find that you have someone on the team who is jealous of you, note them. Stick to the script of work. Do not engage them past the basics. If you do you actually feed and fuel them further. Be careful. They will “sit” on you and stall your performance. They will try to outwork you. They will delay giving you what you need to finish a project. Be prepared to work smarter around them as they work harder to bring you down.

One thing that a jealous person or anybody else for that matter can’t do is block your blessings. Even if they temporary think that they got you it won’t last. The one thing you should always do in life when at work is be vigilant, on time, and be that star employee. It doesn’t matter if others think you are doing it for a reason. Since when did excellence become an issue? If it highlights something they aren’t doing they need to step up their game, not you step down to mediocrity.
Do not let others who people’s jealousy of you frustrate you to the point where you stop being who you need to be.
Side Nugget: if you are always late, never getting things done, and not dependable please stop saying folks are hating on you. They are not. They see you as the weakest link and therefore expendable. Trust me they are waiting for management to get rid of you. Step your game up. Its frustrating when folks think that others are hating on them when their negative attributes are just sticking out like a neon light. It’s not hate, its wish. Its wish you would get it together, wish you would do your job, or wish you would be fired.

Happy Monday and lets all step it up either in front of the jealous ones or just in general!