
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday goals

Happy Monday. I hope your weekend was peaceful. I got a lot of rest that I didn’t even know that I needed. Either way, we have gotten to a new week and now it’s time to walk in some confidence. Confidence is contagious. So when you walk in it the people around you can’t help but gravitate to you. In addition to the confidence that you are walking in it’s also a way to bring the things that you want into your world.

Decreasing Confidence

There are many times when we don’t feel our best. If you allow your confidence to be shaken you will find many reasons to wallow in it. Trust me no one wakes up feeling their absolute best. You can recover from that depleting feeling. For instance for weeks and maybe over a month, I had been feeling out of sorts. It messed with my ability to go after the things that were on my heart and more. Many times I struggled to even write or do the things that I love. Trust me confidence makes a difference in how you pursue goals or not.

Monday goals

Goals on the Line

What goals do you have that your confidence or belief in yourself has told you is unattainable? Trust me it happens to the best of us. If you managed your goals by simply, waiting to be in the best place to make it happen, a lot of goals wouldn’t happen. For instance, I remember working a job where I was asked to do one task. To be honest, I really didn’t want the job. However two days into it, the owner of the company recognized me out of everyone. He didn’t know me. We had never met. Later in the same week, I was given a promotion. Think about how much confidence I showed to be promoted in 2 days times?

Monday goals

It wasn’t that I knew the job well. It boiled down to me showing that confidence that couldn’t be denied. In the end I was rewarded not because I was the most talented, but because I couldn’t be denied. It was amazing.

Monday’s Energy

I often talk about how you start is how you finish. So even if you woke up feeling less than your best, it’s up to you to shake it. Shake yourself. Be who you know you are supposed to be. Monday will be the setting ground for getting it all done. So wake up, or if you are already up, make the best of your day. For instance, reset your day. Make it in your mind that you will have a great day. Yes, it starts with what you are telling yourself. Do you know what you think goes to how you show up? So, retrain your mind to find the positive in the day. Acknowledge what is irritating you, making you mad and more. It’s okay to talk about it, but don’t let it be the whole focus of your day.

Monday energy

Monday Playlist for Success

What are the ways that you set your day up for success? Organization. I need to be organized. This means for me eating breakfast, writing down my to do list, gathering the materials that I need and more. With a family my day is the first to get shifted. Many times, I can be irritated but knowing that I can control my responses is what helps me to push through a bad day.

So no matter how bad the day gets you can continue in your goals. Get focused. Stay consistent and go and be great. Let the confidence that I know you have be your guide. You are more than capable of doing great things. Let the confidence shine through. Happy Monday.

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