
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday May goals

Happy Monday and welcome to a new month: May. May is one of my favorite months of the year. It is my birthday month as well as Mother’s Day. I know how hard Mother’s Day can really be. My heart goes out to those who will struggle during month. Also with May that is one more closer to getting to the halfway mark of the year.

May goals

Monday Toibration Celebration

Now if you are a new reader or apart of this budding community you may be surprised that I celebrate my birthday for 10 days called Toibration. You may be asking yourself why would I mention that in Monday Motivation? The reason for Toibration is to celebrate myself the way that I want to celebrate. So for 10 days I will do at least one activity per day. We as a people do not celebrate ourselves enough. We wait for other people to buy us flowers, treat us well, and more. I don’t. It’s important to celebrate the little things. As another year comes to an end and another one opens up, I will celebrate every year that I am blessed to see life.

Monday May goals

New Month Goals

As many like myself the reset each month is real. This means taking the goals that you have for yourself and making broad goals for the month. You take those goals and make them more specific each week and day. May is a time to see the blessings. NO matter how much rain you have had in April, use May as the month that you start off on the wrong foot. Do you know how many people say I will (insert goals) tomorrow, next month, next year and that times doesn’t come. If it does come we tend to forget the goals because we aren’t always actively working on them. So start fresh today. Make yourself the promise and keep them.

Monday May goals

Monday Reset

Why is the weekend so short? I spent the weekend in full kid and school mode. My kids had an overflow of activities. Even though I attended several media events, it had more to do with resting. I slept in for the first time since becoming a Mom. It’s one thing to go on vacation and rest, but to do it at home-I felt so renewed. We need that every now and again. Your rest and reset may not be with sleep. It may be to go do an activity that you love. If you missed your opportunity to do that this past weekend, what stopped you? Was it doing more for others and less for you? Is it not being able to say No?! Change this. The weekends are already too short to give your space and time to everyone and leave yourself out. Take the time to invest in your personal reset.

Monday May goals

Work and Life Balance

This is such a controversial topic. The reason there are so many issues is that many do not see that you need a work life balance. If you are working hard, rest will eventually come. For those who realize that they can be a better worker if they don’t have to choose between their personal life and working are in many ways better for it. The pandemic revealed just how much many of us were not spending much time with their loved ones. Many divorces took place as many saw that being around one another simply didn’t work.

Monday May goals

What are you willing to do to create a balance in life? Take more vacations? Add in non negotiable days where you simply rest? I have been adding in non media days. These days are set up to allow me reset, have me time, or simply have days to edit or catch up. The one thing that I was clear about was not allowing Content Creation didn’t take over my desire and love to write. Setting these boundaries have been helpful and an welcomed addition to my mental health care.

Happy Monday as well as May. Let this month be all that you want it to be.

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