
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday Encouragement

Happy Monday. I had such an interesting weekend. I will get into that for Wednesday’s check in. With that being said I had to figure out why I was feeling a little in the dumps. Then I saw today is National Day of Encouragement and I felt the need to encourage you as I encourage myself.

Monday Days

We all know that Mondays come with their own challenges. When you aren’t feeling your best they can be overwhelming. Take heart that you aren’t alone. So how can you make your Monday as you sort through your feelings? Prioritize what is needful to be done. Sometimes the bad feeling you are feeling is really more about being tired or hungry. Our feelings often times are telling us something it’s a matter of listening to them. For instance I wanted to go to bed early but didn’t. It’s my son’s birthday which meant I was up to decorate the house. What I was feeling as not doing well mentally is more or less my body being tired. So at some point I will find some rest. Whether that means going to be on time or catching a 20 min nap. Listen to your body.

Monday Encouragement

Encourage Yourself-Monday Mantra

There were many times that I needed encouragement that never came. You know those moments when we need a little push but felt others didn’t have your back. However I realized the older I got that sometimes it comes down to you learning how to motivate yourself. You are the one living your experience. So don’t go through your days without learning the art of stepping up to the plate to pat your back. For one I make sure that I say my affirmations. This is a daily thing to make sure that the way I speak to myself is right. Also watch what you say about yourself. We all have areas that need some work. But to down yourself? We ended that self sabotage years ago. When you find yourself back sliding-align yourself in the right way.

Monday Encouragement

Monday Breaks

Breaks are essential to being your best self. For instance, my husband had a death in his family. He needed the space to be where he needed to be. That made me be in full Mom mode and play Uber Parent. I enjoyed it. I didn’t get online as often. When I thought about the rest that began to be built in I had to remind myself that I needed to go back to days where I blocked off of my schedule. Those days were freeing. Being on social media is nice until you are there all the time. So take some breaks. A walk, sit outside, step away from your computer. We talk about this on the last podcast. Breaks are like breathing life back into you in small but great ways. So start your week by adding a break. I plan to watch a tv show and step away from my laptop before I get my kids.

Monday Encouragement

Monday Encouragement

I want to send some great support your way. If you need encouragement to crush your fitness goals set the goal and do it. Pack your bag, get your water and make yourself a priority. I started my week with a 5k and I feel sore but accomplished. If job searching is a goal-I get it. I have been there before. It can be a full time job looking for a job. Use LinkedIn and follow up on leads. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. If you goal is to eat better, set  meal schedule. For instance on Sunday I meal prepped several meals. You may not look that far ahead, what are you eating today? I have my personal meals set and the times I plan to eat them. Make an alert-you got this. Whatever you need if it’s for the benefit of making you that much better-I send all of the good your way.

Monday Encouragement

Happy Monday! Crush your goals. Remember no matter how many times you feel inadequate still rock it out. You don’t have to “feel” great to do great. You are walking this Earth make the best of your time and resources today.


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