
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday tea

Welp what a way to start on a Monday. Everyone is up in arms from the whole Will Smith and Chris Rock ordeal. This blog will not be focusing on that. I hope both men come to some resolve. For the rest of us who are starting our day and need a push.

Filter Your Social Media

Not just because of the aftermath of the Oscars but in all things. When you are starting your week and your day be careful not to go to social media first. Start your morning routine making sure you are okay. No matter what is happening on social media will continue to be there when you have had your time to gather yourself. I am on social media a lot. I run a lot of Toitime on there and I also manage 2 other businesses on there as well.

However I still have a rule on getting on social media. If I have to be on there before 8am I do what I need to do and don’t scroll. Scrolling can be detrimental to my goals. There is a way to use your phone for self care. For instance, listening to a podcast, and more like meditation can be done on your phone.

Goals for the Week

If you didn’t establish your goals for the week on Sunday, take the time to do so today. What are you having to complete? Is there something that can wait? How can you work smarter and not harder? Let’s get that done. For instance today is the only day I can create content in house.  All other content has to be done in the field. With that being said I took this morning to run through all of the content that I could.

I may have some pieces to work on later. Getting the bulk of the work done before none has helped me. Plus the fact that being on social media is doing the most right now, I am using that energy to get goals completed.  What do you need to focus on? Can you use some help?

Monday Blues

It is not uncommon to have Monday Blues. You may be coming off an amazing weekend and feeling unmotivated. It happens to the best of us all. So be clear on how you can pull yourself up. Some people do tasks that they like so it helps the get into the swing of their day. Do what works for you. If thinking of something fun that you are working towards helps do that. Find a podcast, or maybe play your favorite songs can help. I have a playlist I have created for those down times. It helps me focus on what I need to look ahead to.

Monday motivation

If those Monday Blues are a part of something larger like depression or anxiety. I encourage you to be honest with yourself. Think about what you need and consider getting it. Therapy as I am a huge encourager of is not always easy to take the initial step. Here are some therapy questions and thinks to look forward to.

Monday Victories

I started a list this morning of what good is happening. I was able to create the content that I needed. Today the kids are all well no one has a cold. My husband is in good spirits. Also I have some amazing opportunities this week that I can’t wait to share. In addition I booked a trip that will allow me to create content around it. So there are a few things that you too can add to your list. Starting off with gratitude is key. That comes from someone who was dipped into negative thoughts in the past. I speak on it on The Arner Adventures podast episode.


Have an amazing week. I had to mute some folks today on social media. Today will be a business social media day. That means I won’t be mindless scrolling. I can’t tap into it today. This story today is on overload. I don’t want to cover it, make think pieces on it, etc. I want to have a successful day and I send that to you as well.

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