
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Monday. Can you believe we are in the last Monday of the month? Tomorrow is March 1st. That means we are jumping to the last month of the 1st quarter. For many that could be a sign of survival or simply thriving. Ask yourself what can you do to go from surviving to thriving for this last month of quarter one.

Monday Internal Check

This is where you have a mini heart to heart. We are about to switch seasons soon, New seasons comes with no awareness. So what worked in the these last two months? What changes will you also have to make to get to the other side of your goals? Let’s focus on doing more of what is working while also thinking out of the box for the things that haven’t worked theses last few months. Where are you on the goals you set for the New Year? How successful have you been? Be grateful for the ways you have shown up for yourself.


New Month is for New Goals

I crushed a goal that to be honest took me almost 2 years to achieve. The second I did so, one of my friends reminded me that it was time for new goals. So that is the focus. Some goals take time. The goal that I had took me two years. It wasn’t for lack of trying. The goal needed me to work it as if I already had it. That is discouraging at times. To see something you want, work hard, and still feel as you don’t have what it takes to see it through. Staying the course is sometimes easier said than done. Keep going when it feels like failure is close. Failure is subject and often times determined by our inability to keep swimming when giving up feels safe.


March Madness

I feel like beyond Basketball is the thrill of March as it pivots us into the newness of Spring, etc. So what are you going to do now that life is opening up? This is a great way to think about travel for both professionally and personally. Either way there is a great mood booster is knowing that warmer weather is on the horizon. March will be whatever you make it. It’s also Women’s History month. We will be honoring women from every walk of life. Be sure to check them out.

Women History month

New Challenges

For everyday and every month there are going to be new challenges. Expect that. Prepare for them as much as you possibly can. Ask for help, and be okay with doing so. Also another level of a new month and goals also means making changes to the work load. I saw a post that said getting rest isn’t the answer if the issue is in the processes that we use is flawed. Your personal systemin how you make things happen matters. Sometimes we need to make changes to our systems.


So as we start this Monday and thinking about things we have accomplished let’s use that energy for the next month. March is going to be whatever we make of it. We have the potential to make it amazing. Happy Monday.

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