
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday! Today’s blog is a simple remind on encouraging you to do what’s best for you. It’s never if we should it’s always about knowing how to do so in certain scenarios.

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Choose you Everytime

I know that this may come off selfish, but choose you every time. We have had many moments in life where you put others first. If you’re a parent you know all too well. Your life is no longer your own. So when it comes to putting yourself first you may be hesitant. However sometimes choosing yourself if about life and death. It’s okay to choose life.

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Bet on Yourself Monday Adoration

When you know you have been doing your best in all things bet on yourself. Trust your gut. Don’t allow yourself to think that you’re so unworthy of love and life that if you had an opportunity to better yourself you wouldn’t take it. Imposter syndrome is real. In its core it’s set up for self sabotage. This feeling of not being good enough for greatness will leave you stagnant. No one wants that.

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How are you starting your week?

In order to choose you or do what’s best for you let’s asks the question on how you started? For instance leave your phone alone. Pray and mediate. Get up earlier than everyone in your home if you live with others. Play a podcast or music that energizes you. Take a few minutes to own the day. This is a perfect time to practice your affirmations. I listen to podcast and books during my day. The second I add in a lot of social media into my day it gets hectic.

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Now yes my blog is online and so I do have to be online. However being online to handle my business vs mindless scrolling can cost you hours of wasted time. Be stingy with what you allow in your ear!

What is your Pace?

This matters. Sometimes doing what is best for you is learning that its your race, your pace. This was the first lesson I learned when I started running a few years ago. They reminded us that you will see people behind you and in the front of you. However at the end of the day, none of that matters. Sometimes we focus on where we are in comparison to others. Comparison is the theft of joy. While you seek to be at the same place as those around you keep in mind you have zero idea what they are doing and did to get to where they are.

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Monday you are Worthy

So run life and do life in your pace. We see countless times that age and stage do not matter. The only failure is not doig anything at all. So yes you can start off what you consider to be late and make huge strides. 

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Today take Monday by storm. Write your plans and execute them. Take the time you need. Do what is best for you and in your own way. Today is going to be greater because you are here. No go crush those Monday goals.

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