
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday. This Monday’s Motivation was set to be late today. Normally they are ready for 9am. However, the tabs of our computers and our minds needed some time to reset. We keep so many tabs open daily so that we can accomplish all the things. Today is about clearing them out as you start your week.

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Too Many Tabs Open

When you look at the tabs on your laptop, computer, or phone how does it make you feel? Do you feel accomplished or stressed? For many it causes stress. We don’t do enough to clear them. On the weekends, you need to learn to clear them. Daily you need to clear them as well. There isn’t a reason to keep them opened. I can understand a few bookmarked ones that help you in keeping order. Once it surpasses that and it will, clear them. Accomplish the goals and move forward. Clear your tabs.

Organize and Conquer

So, if you’re like most we don’t do enough to organize our goals. Most will simply wake up and proceed without learning what they need to make their days, weeks, months, or years a success. What do you need to organize and conquer the goals that you have on your plate? If you started the day without having that conversation, let’s shift to that to make the day that much better. Therefore as scary as Sunday Scaries are, it’s important to use the night before to get ready in a way that makes you feel supported and ready.

Re-Shift your Monday Mindset 

This is totally easy to do if you practice daily mindfulness. Let’s face that truth that although many know they shouldn’t mean that they do. So, if you aren’t practicing daily mindfulness let’s start with a re-shift. What are the pressing issues of your day? Let’s add them to the schedule first. Add in a walk or outside time or break. You need a break. It doesn’t matter if you have a thousand things to do-your mental health tops your entire list of to do. If you need to schedule lunch AND stick to it. Do that. Eating well and staying hydrated comes from allowing you to be taken care of while journeying through the day.

Write it Down

I know how driven with technology we all have gotten. Nothing beats a great handwritten note of things that you need to accomplish and a plan to get it done. Also, the to do list needs to be in compartments. From what is non-negotiable must get done. The other list is what would be nice to get done and lastly what can wait. Rome wasn’t built in a day and the things around you are important but not back breaking.

Do not allow your job, life, spouse, and anyone including you overload you. Trust me while you are allowing everyone to dump on you, they aren’t going to stop. There’s no incentive to stop bad behavior that helps their bottom line. Take the same approach. Place people and things in their rightful order and don’t allow anyone to overstep that boundary. Let’s take our Monday.


While we talk about boundaries the ones we refuse or think we can’t put in alignment comes from our relationship attachment. If your parent or spouse is the type that willfully dumps, and you never speak out because you are afraid to hurt their feelings-it hurts. You feel stuck. I get that. It takes practice. Get into the habit of letting others know that NO is a one-word sentence. Eventually as uncomfortable as it is-people do adjust. Take care of those feelings that you are holding onto. Guilt is real. I would love to say it stops but it doesn’t. Find an activity you can do that helps until that very temporary feeling fades. Boundaries are helpful and necessary.  Boundaries are healthy.

Tabs associated with boundaries will help guide you that much closer to your intended goals. You can find a way to be stronger, independent of others, and eliminate being a people pleaser by getting clear with yourself first. Close your tabs today. I know you may have quite a large amount open. Many tabs aren’t helping you. Close them down. Start fresh this week. You got this! Happy Monday!


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