
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

We are so close to Christmas. This means that emotions are running deep. From those who don’t have to give, to those who have strained relationships with family and friends, to those who have so much on their plate that they are simply existing and can’t tap into the joys of the season, life is all over the place. We tend to forget that although many like myself loves these holidays, there are many who don’t share in the same enthusiasm!

Peace is priceless. How you walk in that peace matters. It may require some time alone. It may require some adjusting of schedules due do having to try to fit in as much family time as possible. Life isn’t simply add a bow ready. Christmas won’t erase the pain and heartache that the day can bring!! So be vigilant and understand what it is that YOU need to push through. Don’t worry when others don’t understand. You might not be able to get everyone on the same page.


I know some who bypass Christmas altogether. They focus on what the year taught them. They shift into the New Year. There’s nothing wrong with that flow. I wouldn’t be moved by a person who choose to focus on an upward movement over a day of Christmas. I have never been the type who gets mad at others inability to celebrate a day the way that I do.

I’m very extra with the holidays and that works for me! Someone else taking a day to themselves works too! One of my friends takes the day to sleep in until noon, makes a brunch, calls family, and watches movies. It works for her.

She writes her plan and uses the day to reset! So if you’re in the company of others who decides that less is more or nothing at all works-you don’t have to brow beat them over spending the day like you do! They don’t have to accept your invitation either. Let folks do what’s best for them without you needing to dissect their lives as to why they don’t celebrate the day like you do. Comments like “if you had kids you would see things differently.” No one needs to have children biologically to experience the day! They can be who they want children free and still enjoy a quiet day!

Self-Care For Christmas

Sometimes self-care looks differently for some than others. For some it may mean leaving early from events. Please let folks leave without the hard questions. If they are grown being grown means coming and going as you please! No explanations are needed! Sometimes it looks like limiting gifts. I think it’s super rude to ask and seek gifts from people who may not have it and have the level of expectations! Self-Care may look to others as stand-offish and in those moments it could be a small moment of retreating.

The holidays can bring out the beauty of it all and it can also bring out some of the most ugliness of it all too. Some don’t even celebrate the day due to those very facts. I hope regardless of what one does or doesn’t do that it’s a peaceful day!! Everyone deserves peace! We all deserves to have a good day!! Everyone should have their emotional needs met. I pray the type of peace that makes the day it’s best for you and your life!

This is a great week full of ups and downs! May peace always abide in your heart and I pray peace this week!!

To those who are simply off until the New Year-I ain’t hating but please enjoy it!!!!

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