
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday goals

Happy Monday. I hope your holiday of Thanksgiving was all that you could want and need. For the Storr household we did some cooking, eating, and resting. I even went on my first Trader Joe’s haul. We prioritized our mental and emotional health. Each member of the family finding an activity that they loved and doing just that. As we conclude and start back to work this week let’s find the thing that worked and do them better. Also the things that didn’t work let’s do less of it.

Therapist and patient

Monday Reset

Mondays are hard with the small break of a weekend. When its a little longer it may be harder to reset. My kids were off and are technically still off today. The days of not having to set my alarm have been nice. However today is a day to reset. You should have used your Sunday for rest and organizing. I can’t be the only one. I use my Sunday to find ways to make the week work better. That could be in the form of getting uniforms together for the kids, meal prepping, or setting up my work week. If you made it to today and haven’t done that, relax. Find tonight to set out what you need for tomorrow. Take the time to remember even if you job is the worse its a blessing to be at work. So let’s be grateful, make a plan of action, and reset back into the our flow.

Monday breaks

Mental Breaks

Like anything in life we want and need a break. Breaks doesn’t necessarily mean that upon your return you will have life figured out. It simply means a small break to breath. So incorporate a break. This could be simply sitting outside on your lunch break for 10-15 minutes. Reading a good book, writing in your journal, or taking a walk. Breaks are good ways of doing an emotional sit up that not only gives a mental peace break but offers a reset that allows you to break up your day.  So take a mental break today. I have scheduled a break in the form of reading a magazine that I haven’t made the time to do so. Listen to a podcast too helps. Take your break!


Reassess and Re-evaluation

This Thanksgiving break from what I saw on Twitter and other social media was either full of great times or full of drama. Step back as we gear up for Christmas if spending time with the company you spent is good for you. If it’s not, reassess what is important to you. My peace is important to me. So placing boundaries where I don’t engage with every person is key to and for me. What matters to you? What worked for your Thanksgiving holiday? Do more of that. If you overcooked make sure you recognize your desire to over do and cut back. If you overstayed your welcome at a location, consider not going or cutting back your time. My husband and I have code words that we use to signal distress or time to go.

Monday goals

December Goals

Its a few days to a new month and the last month of the year. We are really getting close. Don’t wait to make goals as we get closer to the New Year. Make changes NOW. Everyday we have the opportunity to choose what makes us happy.  What do you want your month to look like? Better eating, making yourself a priority? Whatever your goals are you got this. It takes discipline to see the changes that you need to see.

December Goals

Make the choice now. Do better today than you did yesterday. Let’s step it up. Happy Monday and let’s find ways of crushing our goals.

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