
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Wednesday. Today is Moments of Frustration Day. A day of remembering no matter how polished you appear we all deal with frustrating moments differently. A day to remind yourself to have a plan of action.  When you are frustrated you will spew all kinds of negativity. The handing of that frustration will have you double back your words and actions often. It’s not about the reason you are frustrated as much as to why you chose to handle the moments that matter.

Why are you Frustrated?

Is it a daily nuisance? Examples like a late bus, a boss sending the same email or using the same tone? These things happen often. If your frustration come from mundane interactions with others-this is to be expected. When its a build up of unspoken nuances that don’t have a resolution, this is where want to put our energy into finding a solution. Sometimes we don’t think that unchecked anger is communicating where you are, but it is. Repetitive disrespect comes in many forms. Saying you’re okay is a band-aid. Every time the action is repeated the sting gets more annoying. The scab only serves as a reminder of things you need to deal with.

It’s Okay not to be Okay

This back to back rhetoric that we say that we are okay when we know we aren’t needs to change. This may work with people you come into contact with that aren’t as familiar. However in our personal conversations we need to ask open ended questions. Doing a check in with those around us. Doing a personal check in is key too. It’s like kids who appear to be “angry” all the time. All communication whether “bad” or not is communication. Lean into your why. Why are you feeling uneasy around certain people. Find out why you seem to be more agitated about certain topics. They could be revealing a part of us that needs some deeper work.

Game Plan for Frustration

We want to be able to express ourselves even when what needs to be communicated isn’t favorable. We can’t always filter ourselves in every situation. However we can find ways of not attacking others over our own frustration. It is up to us to be clear on our why. Why should someone else pay for unmatched energy? So let’s find ways of being frustrated, speaking up, and finding a solution.

  • Write it out-use your phone or piece of paper
  • Remove yourself if possible until you are able to come back
  • Breathing-this helps you calm down
  • Get outside-10 minutes of being outside helps to calm down and switch energy
  • Move to a form of self care that will work

There are a million ways to relieve the initial shock of frustration: podcast, music, exercise the list is endless. It’s about finding what works for you. Don’t push the issues that caused the frustration to be under the rug. Find a plan of attack. You may need to have a professional help you work through what your frustration reveals. It’s okay to not be okay. You don’t have to be smiling every second of the day. However if you are finding that you are rubbing others consistently the wrong way don’t simply use the excuse of “that’s just how I am!” Do the work on the inside so it can reflect outwardly.

Today is a reminder that we all have these moments. As we work towards being our best selves also remember that there is grace for the moments that we don’t get it right! Be gracious to yourself.

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