
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Wednesday puppy

Happy Wednesday. I hope your week is going well. With the rain that has been happening the spirit of many have been affected. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the recent Hurricane. With that being said we are merely a few days into October and that means we are in the final quarter for the year. What are we doing to prepare for it?

Holiday Talk

It’s not too early to talk about the holidays. Some people prepare for it in many ways. There is no wrong way to do so. Keep in mind that your mental health is the most important part of the process. Setting boundaries and budgets will be key. Also knowing what you and your family wants to do. I say that because you will be pulled a million different ways to come to someone else’s home, spend money you don’t have, and more. Set your boundaries now. If you struggle with that I understand.

So many do. Isn’t it frustrating to say that you are struggling and someone say how they don’t have an issue. They don’t offer a suggestion it’s more of “see me, I would never” mentality. Be aware of those too during the holidays too. so the holidays and mental health blog could help you. Holiday anxiety is real!

Pilates and Pups-Wednesday Review

I did the Franklin and Whitman Pilates and Pups class. It benefited the PSPCA. They had puppies there that are looking for their forever home. A few things I must say about adopting a pet. So many are brought back to shelters and more because people love gifting pets as presents. Do not gift a pet to a person who doesn’t have the capacity to take care of one. There is food and medical cost that must be taken into consideration. In addition to the cost is the time. Not all puppies or dogs of any size should be gifted or taken in without the thought of lifestyle. At the PSCPA they work with you to find the dog that fits your lifestyle.

Wednesday puppy

We were able to take the pilates class with Theresa as our instructor from the Balance Room. She kicked our butts. There were muscles of all kinds used that I didn’t know I had. We enjoyed bites from Miles Table and drinks from La Colombe Coffee and Reveal. What a treat. Who doesn’t want to end the day playing with puppies? If you’re not scared or not fond of them, they are an instant mood booster.

Ash and Harry Craft Store

I love candles. They make your home smell delightful. Burning a candle is also instant self care. Curled up with a book and a glass of wine is my thing. I partnered with Ash and Harry to try their new candle making kit and it was absolutely wonderful. They have all you need inside of the kit to make candles of varying sizes. Keep the candles for yourself, gift a candle to someone, or purchase someone in your life the entire candle kit. For the holidays people have enough things. However gifting them the kit would allow someone to do an activity that they may very well enjoy. Add them to your holiday listing. I will feature them for my holiday gift guide coming at the end of the month.

Books that I am enjoying in These Fall Days

Books are a great way to slow down. I have been enjoying Jenifer Lewis, Walking in My Joy: In these Streets. If you are a Jenifer Lewis fan and love her work you will love this book. In addition, I would highly recommend that you make sure that you get it on Audible. When you listen to it on Audible, you get to hear the book in her voice with the intentions that she meant it for. I kid you not, it is making my entire day and week. It is hilarious and its necessary. So grab the book and listen to it without kids around. Grab a glass of wine too.

Jenifer Lewis

Mental Health and SAD Wednesday Reminder

If you do not know what SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder please research it. If you notice that you are terribly depressed more at this time of the year, keep in mind that you aren’t alone. As the temperature has dropped significantly it is imperative that you take care of your mental health. I am not a licensed therapist but I do encourage you if you can to consider adding therapy as a tool for you. Also, be mindful of those around you such as kids. Talk to your child’s pediatrician as well. Kids are human with human emotions. This means they are capable of depressive moods. I wish you nothing but to be able to get through these hard times in the best way possible.

Welp work won’t work itself, so I am going to get back to it. Make sure you take care of yourself this week. Put NO in places that need it. Rest when you can. Eat well and hydrate. We shall be back on Friday with the recap.


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