
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Wednesday check in

Happy Wednesday. I hope you are having a great week. My plate of things to do seems to be ever increasing. With that being said, how have I been handling my business and attempting to balance. I had to take it back to the old school with my post it notes what to do. It has been helping me along with an app, called Centered.

Wednesday Centered

I like to use things before I bring it to you. There is an app called Centered. Just like the name it helps me to stay as centered as possible to work smarter. How it works is you log on while working on your laptop. It helps by using a coach that helps you stay the course of whatever you are working on. Now you may notice someone you know in this app. Yes, it is me that is going to help you. I have messages that encourage you to finish your work. I have found that one my own as I have a coach and am my own coach at times too. The dedication to doing what I can in the most efficient way is important. Join me and get just as Centered.

Wednesday Centered

In addition to the app is learning how to control the urge to surf so many mindless moments with social media. Things like being intentional with my time by being clear what is left to accomplish and more has helped. Writing lists and crossing things off is key too.

Mental Health Check-In

I have been  doing well including making sure that I take my medication. However there was one day this week that I didn’t take it at all. I wouldn’t advise doing that at all. Not that anything happened on my end. It’s a reminder that medication especially those use for mental health should not be taken lightly. With that being said I quickly made sure to get back on my regiment. I have had less days of total mental heath meltdowns. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen in the future. Take care of you in all aspects. Move something, eat well, treat yourself well and most importantly do not repeat the stories in your mind that attempts to tell you that bad days are forever. They may feel overwhelming but you are not a lost cost.

Wednesday check in

I haven’t done well in pushing stress awareness content for stress awareness month. I have but I feel like I could have done more. Could I have?  Absolutely but learning to do what I can and allow my self rest, contentment, and more has truly outweighed my push for content.

Visit Chestnut Hill

One thing I love as the weather warms up is spending as much time outside as possible. This past Sunday my daughter and I spent some quality time exploring. From making and putting together our own planters to dining at Adelina’s we had such a great time shopping and more. If you live in or near the Philadelphia city area, make sure that you get out and enjoy Chestnut Hill. Also on May 7th is the Home and Garden Festival. It will provide all kinds of fun including amazing vendors and food.

Wednesday’s Joy

Today’s joys are in the form of being appreciative. I have been counting my blessings over and over again. When I think about some of the days that felt dark, having days when you are balanced and able to keep things in perspective is a blessing. So many are losing hope. Another joy is gathering all of the things that my oldest needs as she is preparing to go to High School. Between the mini prom that she is about to go on, we have been doing so many fun activities to celebrate her at her school. It is a lot trust me, but it’s taking me back to my moment. I wasn’t able to do half the things she has the liberty to do. So far she is handling the freedom well.

Who is on Lemon8

I am really enjoying Lemon8. It’s almost as if Canva, Pinterest, and TikTok had a baby and no one knows who the dad is. However this magical mix is bringing back the good vibes that those on it need. It’s not just for content creators either. You get to be able to create without the threat of being as performative as you have to be on other apps. If you are on there, follow me as Toitimeblog.

Well that is it for now. Stay tuned as I continue to share snippets from being at Chestnut Hills. Happy Wednesday. We are almost there to the end of the month as well as week. Stay careful and vigilant.

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