
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Wednesday. Can you believe it’s the last Wednesday of the month? As we get to the end of the month it’s time to re-evaluate our goals. This week has been a whirlwind, so here is what worked and what needs some more work.

Media Week

I have a ton and I mean a ton of content that I can’t wait to share. This week kicks off Mainline Today Restaurant Week.  So if you are a foodie or desire to be, this is the best time to get out and enjoy these deals. From lunch specials starting at $26.95 and dinner starting at $39.95.  These deals are not to be missed. There are restaurants that represent each palette. Follow along on my Instagram and TikTok. I share self care as well as food recommendations. Also although I am Vegan I share other food options. I live in a house with non-vegans fyi.


Me Time

This has been a stressful week. I have taken several opportunities to do daily self care. In addition to that I have a reset set for Sunday. I will be taking a much needed break and having one of the best me time I have had in a long time. It’s a welcomed reset. If you struggle with finding balance incorporate me time and treat it like an appointment. Make yourself a priority. It’s too much going on in this world to continue to allow yourself to be overtaken by stress.

Some suggestions for Me Time:

  • Spa Day (in home or professional)
  • Extended Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Book Reading
  • Flower Shopping

There are a million and one things you can do. They can be done as a single event or combined. For instance one thing I plan to do is to incorporate a favorite drink along with flower shopping and another Me Time activity on Sunday.

Organized Chaos: Wednesday Slow Down

I am not a fan of organized chaos. My anxiety alone isn’t set up to entertain it. There are times when things happen that I don’t have an issue with adjusting. When it comes to an overall way of life and combining chaos; it’s never my go to. This week alone I had to keep referring to my schedule because I was overwhelmed with time management. Also it’s okay to let others who try to impede on your time-NO. No is a whole sentence. No doesn’t need to be explained.


Wednesday Wisdom

We are mid way through the week. Whatever worked do more of it. Whatever didn’t work do less of it. This week I had to ask for help. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. So ask for it when you need it. Also be more considerate of others. I had to ask myself what I would want to do or have done in a situation. So honestly that also meant being nicer to others.

Silent Treatments

I was on Twitter and I saw a young lady talk about how proud she was for being able to deal with others because a parent used the silent treatment on her. Now in one regard I would say that having had that done to me too as a kid I am able to handle others when they attempt to do that. However as someone who has had that done, I will also say that giving someone the silent treatment is a form of abuse and manipulation. Often times you don’t recognize it as such especially when you are a kid. However with therapy you are able to see clearly how someone should treat you or speak to you. I hope that young lady does like I do and get healthy boundaries. I used to “act out” something terrible because as an adult I would go back to that child-like mentality.

Tomorrow I will be posting my review of Kimmel Center Campus’ Beautiful: The Carole King Story. It is one of the best of the season. The songs and the acting were phenomenal. More to come in the review. It ends on February 27-get tickets now!


I hope you had a great Wednesday. We will be back with a new blog starting tomorrow. Also don’t forget about Women’s History Month happening in March!

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