
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy March and welcome to this month’s newsletter. A new month always means new goals. There is so much to look forward to both mentally, physically, and emotionally. Every month should start with goal setting. For instance, in my business, I pitch to companies every month. So this month I set the goal of 20-30 pitches. In  addition, for my Seasonal depression you may notice that with longer stints of sunlight you are feeling more like yourself. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

March Goals

This month I have a lot on my plate. More content creation that is based upon helping people like it was when I started. Less events that and no event that doesn’t make sense. So far this month that has helped me tremendously. Theatre is taking off with so many shows to see. This weekend Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre will be at Ensemble Arts Philly. This showcase ends on March 2nd. In addition, & Juliet is coming March 25-April 6th. Other shows to see:

Ways to Pour into your Cup

I want you to date yourself this month. Take yourself on weekly dates. Get used to finding joy that isn’t tied to others. You can do this in many ways. Do a self-care activity at home like an in-home pedicure and manicure. Take and make your bathroom its only oasis. Or level up and take a new class followed by going to one restaurant that you have had on your lists for months. This solo date has nothing to do with your marital status. Even if you are married this will be a great activity for you too. We all need to be comfortable doing things alone. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Even if you tell me that you are single and you are always doing things by yourself that’s still not the same as dating yourself. As you date yourself you take the time to treat yourself well. Buy yourself some weekly flowers, step out of your comfort zone. 

New bar alert- Cereal Cocktail located on 699 Broad street courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

New Apps

I know we get tired of new applications to use for social reasons. No one is more irritated to have to learn new things like a Content Creator. However, I do NOT jump on them all. When TikTok went away temporarily many ran to Rednote and Fanbase.  I refused to do so and waited. Thankfully it came back less than 24 hours later. There are sometimes a few apps that I find that I do enjoy. The apps that I have added to my list are Blue Sky, Threads, and Substack. In addition, I am pouring into my YouTube too. It is a lot to manage but I am finding that I am enjoying the process. 

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

If you are a reader and like content that is encouraging, go to Substack. If you love a Twitter alternative, then Blue Sky is your jam. If you like to see supportive folks that also have an Instagram head over to Threads.

Personal Goals for March

This month of March I am attending therapy only 2 times a month. My therapist is having me continue the work of stretching into the things that I love. I believe its been almost a year with him. He has made me mad, challenged me, and has helped me find my joy again. I appreciate it all. So you will see me really lean into creativity more. 

So Happy March and welcome to a new month. This is also the last month in the first quarter. I hope you are finding that you are proud of your accomplishments so far. Get focused and more. 

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